Movie Slags

Oh yeah. Angel Eyes was really really awful. I think they tried to give it some mystery in the marketing by implying that there was some sort of twist a-la Sixth Sensem, but the twist was that this story was nothing but a dull shallow half-arsed attempt at a romance.


[quote=“cranky laowai”]
One movie I hated that makes a lot of people’s top-ten lists is Delicatessen.[/quote]

Wei shenme? That’s one of the best movies of all time. The whole sex/bicycle pump/painting/mooing toys/violin playing/metronome syncronocity scene was classic. Especially the end. How could you not like Dominique Pinon?

Another serious bummer movie that I have had the opportunity to watch so I could refresh my memory on what was so horrible about it:

Nothin’ But Trouble

If that ain’t foreshadowing, I don’t know what is.

Watch how Chevy Chase half-assedly (?) delivers his cynical lines and the tired overuse of cliches and bad puns. The horrible make-up, the messy cameo by Digital Underground. The lame jokes they try to come up with such as making the Judge’s nose a very obvious phallic symbol, and just in case you miss this innuendo, they even give it a foreskin and an opening which can be seen on close-ups of Dan Ackroyd’s profile. Demi Moore looks appalled. Chevy Chase looks bored. John Candy looks desperate. The kind of people who could dream up such tripe ain’t nothin’ but troubled.

[quote=“Bu Lai En”][quote]“Confessions of a Dangerous Mind”

It was good. Very funny.


I agree…I loved Gene Gene the dancing machine…it took some willpower to not break out singing that song when it played.

just took in the clooney/zeta-jones effort with the cohen brothers.

uh…tis a pity. so much talent, so many possibilities. sadly, the chemistry wasn’t there. can you have a love story without any love? this was an effort at a romantic comedy. BUT, there was no romance and just a wee bit o comedy.

they had everything there in the production, but things just didn’t come together. there are some classic “shots” butthey are few and far between.

nothing sadder than potential wasted.

Oh, that’s too bad about Intolerable Cruelty considering the Coens are my favourite filmmakers and Clooney one of my favourite actors. I bet it’s that smug bitch Zeta-Jones-Douglas who mucked it all up. I’ll still need to see it myself to decide.
Saw the film Quiet American other night on dvd after reading the book. Sorely disappointed in that one. It trivialized Graham Greene’s Fowler to the nth degree, as good as Michael Caine was in it, it/he never even came close to capturing the depth of the novel. Ho hum…

Well I guess I’m not going to make many friends here, but I think the most overated movie of all time is “The Matrix”. Also can’t stand any of Alan Parker’s sensationalist crap. HAHAHA, must add I loved that nasty little film by Gary Oldman: “Nil By Mouth”. BRING IT ON!

I saw Confessions of a Dangerous Mind last night. What a waste. Generally I don’t have a problem with movies built around loathsome protagonists (Cobb was great!), but not when the character is so bland, ordinary, and boring. The movie expects me to feel sorry for this jerkazoid? Harris wasn’t some tortured artiste, he was just some hack who came up with The Newlyweds. He didn’t have any higher aspirations in his life, he wasn’t some maverick driven to create any subversive art - all he cared about was shifting some product so he could make $$ so that he could convert that $$ into pussy opportunities. Bully for him. He’s different from how many bog-ordinary suits working in showbiz exactly how? I guess the “ordinary Dilbert-esque milquetoast has fantasies about working for the CIA to escape from his mundane little life” was supposed to pull on the sympathy strings as well. That final shot, where the manipulative voice-over talks about old men and wasted lives & opportunities, and then it cuts to the real Harris himself, is downright insulting to the audience - ah, the poor old network executive, he spent his life only gobbling up money and pussy, without a thought to anything else and insensitively jerking other people around, and now he’s old. Boo fucking hoo. Hey, I’m a sexually unsatisfied horndog, too. Maybe I can make a movie based on my angst. Feel my pain.

I saw Welcome to Collinwood last night. Funny stuff. William Macy is great, as is George Clooney’s cameo.

Sandman, check the title of this thread again.

The Four Word Film Review

Pianist, The (2002)
Schindler’s Lizst.

Matrix, The (1999)
Dude, I’m Christ? Whoa!

Titanic (1997)
Icy dead people.

[quote=“mod lang”]The Four Word Film Review

:laughing: Love the concept. The last Weekly Movie instantly sprang to mind:

Damn, I die! Not.