Movie theaters that show early?

Are there any good theaters in Taipei that show movies early, maybe morning or early afternoon? I checked with a few and they start at 4pm, it’s just bizzare.

Edit: found showtime cinemas that plays throughout the day

Ambassador starts at 10 am. My favorite slot.


That’s the sad singles slot.

I’m often at them.


They’re often cheaper in the morning, if it matters. More importantly, relatively free of people looking at their phones.

I thought most of the theaters have morning slots? That’s the main time I go to my annual or semi-annual film. I just looked at Vieshow Xinyi, and they’ve got Wonder Woman 1984 screening all day, starting at 9:50am.

Warning: once in a while your morning or afternoon movie may coincide with a high school day off. Those are not good times to go to the cinema.

The first show in a movie theater is called a matinee in the US. I heard some FOB Taiwanese in the US went to the movies during the day and expected free martinis. :sweat_smile:


The all you can watch of 8-12 movies for ~$160 theater starts around 10am.


wovie theater in tianmu has morning shows too

You can check Movie Theaters and showtimes in the following link


Unrelated, but what’s the most fancy theater in Taipei? By fancy I mean, great big screen (I liked the curved screens in the US), great sound system and reclining seats.

Maybe the MUVIE CINEMAS from Vieshow (TITAN and MUCROWN)


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I went to showtimes, it was quite easy to order a movie through the machine (it has english and applepay), and the place was pretty much empty in the afternoon. It’s a bit of a walk from 中山站. Bit chilly inside and they don’t give you blankets like at some theaters.

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