Moving to Taipei and need cellphone help

Hi all. I’m moving to Taipei in a month and will need to set up cell phone service. However, I plan to be back and forth to the US quite a bit for work. It doesn’t matter to me if I keep my current phone or not (AT&T iPhone 5s) My main thing is that I will need to catch my local number USA calls on the phone in Taiwan. Does anyone have any advise for this type of setup? Thanks.

I tried Telestial and eKit, but got fed up with the customer service. It would just stop working and I couldn’t get it sorted out. Now I use Skype, and I rent a US phone number and voicemail through them.

I wonder if getting calls from the US on your cell is a good idea. Consider the time zone difference – literally night and day.

I use a google voice number and get free incoming calls on that US number (well, it uses data or wifi). I use the free magic jack app for free outgoing US calls.

It used to be better with Talkatone using google voice both ways but google decided they don’t want that to happen anymore.