MSN Yahoo can't hide in messenger

If you really want to know if someone is hiding online… well, here’s my secret… hit the “invite to audio chat” button and if the box that says they are offline doesn’t pop up… well, they are hiding.

Works everytime. BTW, I am logged out now… the only way to beat it.

Yes, well thanks for making me the guinea pig :raspberry:

Do you even HAVE voice chat??

There’s no such thing as “MSN Yahoo”!

Do you mean MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger?

[quote=“Mark Nagel”]Do you mean MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger?[/quote]Yes.

Cool trick! Will give it a try! :smiling_imp:

I tried double clicking on an offline contact: hotmail opened. Can’t see any option to send audio.

[quote=“Tetsuo”]Do you mean MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger?
That was not a yes/no question! That was an either/or question!

Tetsuo I gotta completely agree with you. :wink: