My cat seems nervous and behaves weird

he left his stash out and the cat ate it.


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Yer cat dont laik’ fiddle moozik, hunh?

Whew , for a moment I was going to write (did actually but deleted) that he may have seen a ghost??

Nah, my two cats noticed NOTHING before the 921 quake. Zero Zip Nada no early warning of any kind. But then they were Persians. What the heck do Iranians know bout quakes right? Do they have any over there?

Edit: Lord Almighty ! Guess they do know bout quakes over there:

Cat :heavy_check_mark:
Fiddle :heavy_check_mark:
Cow @Dr_Milker :heavy_check_mark:
:first_quarter_moon_with_face: anyone?

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The cat was right about the earthquake.

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Your cat is looking for a mate … :rofl:

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