My reality is different from yours

Reality isn’t fixed with people. My reality is different to yours. This isn’t a new concept. What is truth?

Truth is what corresponds with reality. It’s absolute, reality isn’t relative.

Philosophers and theologians might argue otherwise.

Not to mention modern science. See: theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory.

Then why even debate with me? What would be the purpose? If truth is relative and reality is relative, be pretty pointless to even try to understand it. It’s what’s in my head right? And I don’t know any theologians that would say truth is relative.

I believe science operates on that there is an absolute truth and that it can be known.

But it’s more comforting to view it as an absolute. Perhaps we’re being a bit mean here, opening the door to possibilities.

That’s not what science is based on at all. Some philosophy is.

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So how can we trust science if there is not absolute truth and reality. Unless we are in a matrix machine, which I admit can be a possibility.

Only the bad theologians would say that. And that’s a value judgement on my part.

I don’t have a clear answer to your other questions. I’m honestly not smart enough to give an answer.

Can you name me one theologian that does not believe in a prime reality or absolute truth?

I mean isn’t what we are doing trying to find the truth and reality of things. Even while we disagree we are looking To find truth no? Why do you bother there isn’t a absolute truth?

Uh, Nagarjuna?

I’m probably paraphrasing Larkin a disservice, but “I suppose I’m agnostic, but an Anglican agnostic.”

The entire upper echelons of The Church of England are unsure.

Actually really unimpressive in his grasp of the idea of the devin or aka god.

We trust it as far as it produces theories that can explain observed phenomena and leads to useful technological advances. It has nothing to say about the ultimate nature of reality. “Reality” and “truth” are just human constructs, and science is just a method.

And ain’t that the truth

I would say the discovery of facts “truths” not theories is the point. A theory isn’t all that useful unless it’s a fact and can we proven empirically no? And relativity is a law of science. It’s taken as a truth, and most modern science in based on it. And we have scientific and mathematical axiom that are the basis of all science and math. If they aren’t truths? What are they?

So is that the absolute truth? Because you just made an absolute statement about truth.

@Dr_Milker do you realize that you’ve been trying to tell me what the reality or truth of things are but at the same time saying there isn’t one?

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No, a construct is by definition subjective.

But if he’s saying that a construct actually exists, isn’t that a statement about truth and reality?

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