Nanguan opera 23.11. in Changhua

Traditional “opera” nanguan-style (七子戲).

合和藝苑 (Hapho Academy)
朱弁:過西樓 - 困冷山 - 裁衣

Changhua Nanguan and Beiguan Music and Xiqu center 彰化南北管音樂戲曲館
66, Pinghe 7th Street, Changhua City 彰化市崙平里平和7街66號

2011.11.23., 7 pm

[quote=“rice_t”]Traditional “opera” nanguan-style (七子戲).

合和藝苑 (Hapho Academy)
朱弁:過西樓 - 困冷山 - 裁衣

Changhua Nanguan and Beiguan Music and Xiqu center 彰化南北管音樂戲曲館
66, Pinghe 7th Street, Changhua City 彰化市崙平里平和7街66號

2011.11.23., 7 pm[/quote]
Who is starring? Break a leg, rice!

The usual suspects.

By the way, admission is free! But be prepared to not understand anything.

I always hear people complain about that nothing is happening in and around Taichung. There is. Even though it may not be as exciting as hanging out in the pubs. Oh wait, there are no pubs anymore. But if there were, you could still go there after an evening of traditional culture.