Nationwide interviews with locals married to foreigners

I read in TT online that the Min. of Interior was going to interview everyone (?) in Taiwan married to a foreigner.

My Taiwanese wife got a call this morning asking her to show up for an interview at the local whatever-it-is. She was given the impression that she had to attend. They say they just need some basic facts like visa number, “hu4 ko3” info stuff like that. She made some calls and it seems genuine, but I wonder if it is mandatory.

I imagine they may also ask about any problems that the couples have encountered with regard to living in Taiwan, laws etc.

What would be a good wish list for foreigners and their spouses in Taiwan?
Many of these have already been discussed in the forums. Can you add to this list?

  1. allow foreigners to get a 6-year driving license which is not linked to visa dates.
  2. ease permanent residency rules.
  3. do away with guarantors for phone lines etc.
  4. clarify the open work permit rules. I’m a freelance editor, but am still unsure as to whether I need an OWP. Should we fess up or keep schtum?

Well that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. I am sure I will think of loads more as soon as I hit submit. By the way, I do not have to go to the interview - just the wife.

Any additions to the wish list, or comments about the whole interview process?

You don’t “have” to go, or you don’t GET to go. Sounds pretty suspect to me.

I read an “article” in the newspaper the other day about how terrible kids born to mixed couples had it. How they abused classmates of the opposite sex, didn’t fit in with their classmates, were poor, and had poor Chinese–unless their moms were main land Chinese, of course! What shite!

Trust me, interviewers aren’t interested in making things easier for us, they’re checking us out.

Smacks of DPP xenophobia.

We got a form yesterday, in chinese :unamused:
Also something about we have to hand it in in person before 11am on a weekday. :unamused:
Didn’t seem to be many questions on “How can we help you”, more about “how much do you earn”. I’ll need to look at it properly

Anyone got a link?

I think the Mrs. had a phone call this week.

Hmm… checking us out huh

Oh shit!

I told the tax department we were seperated.


Why on earth would they start making a fuss, they don’t give us any rights anyway, so why bother checking up on us. It’s about $$$$ right, it has to be. One slip and the tax department is all over you.

Yeah, ask the wife some questions, hope that she slips up, that is if there is anything to hide. Perhaps teaching Engliish without the MOE’s permission, even though legally it’s not neccessary.

When I got my JFRV at Taichung Immigration I told them I didn’t want to work, I just didn’t have the right papers with me is all, and they said that I must get permission from the MOE if I change my mind. I told them that is not what the law says, but only the Foreign Affairs police issuing my ARC knew about that.

Strange attitude they have too, I mean, it’s almost like they think that there is nothing that we can do. They cancell the ARC and give us 7 days to leave and they think that there is not enough time to get someone to help us, maybe there isn’t. So many Taiwanese have this opinion and use it as an excuse to do whatever they want. We’re just foreigners without a voice in Taiwan. This kind of thing really p’s me off big time.

I don’t have anything to hide but I am damn sure that I don’t need to tell them everything.

Sample questions: Just to check on the well being of the marriage and how much you earn, of course.

  1. How much do you earn?
  2. Are you still married?
  3. Do you live together?
  4. Is the child really his?
  5. How many nights a week do you do it?
  6. How long does “it” take?
  7. Is it true what they say about foreigners?
  8. How much do you earn again?
  9. How many private students do you have for English?
  10. Do you have a permit for that and how much do you earn?

I think that about covers it. Money, sex, oh, I forgot questions about drugs.

If it’s going to be like that, then they can fuck off. They won’t get any cooperation from me.


My wife and I are not answering any questions. Just isn’t necessary for them to know too much about us and there is a question of trust…I don’t trust the powers to be one bit.


Bassman. These sample questions came out of your own head right?

I’m with Bu Lai. Fuck 'em. Give me something akin to what my wife would get If we chose to live in Australia and I might just stoop to answer a few questions. A flimsy fucking ARC with elastic extendability compares rather weakly with voting, welfare and permanent residency rights, for example.


Links please. All we have is hearsay at the moment. I can’t find the article on the TT site.

[quote]Bassman. These sample questions came out of your own head right?

I’m with Bu Lai. Fuck 'em. Give me something akin to what my wife would get If we chose to live in Australia and I might just stoop to answer a few questions. A flimsy fucking ARC with elastic extendability compares rather weakly with voting, welfare and permanent residency rights, for example.

HG[/quote]Here here.

Here’s the link … 2003072119

I’m rather suspicious of the motives too.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Whoa!

Bassman. These sample questions came out of your own head right?

I’m with Bu Lai. Fuck 'em. Give me something akin to what my wife would get If we chose to live in Australia and I might just stoop to answer a few questions. A flimsy fucking ARC with elastic extendability compares rather weakly with voting, welfare and permanent residency rights, for example.


Yes, those somewhat twisted questions came out of my head. I wouldn’t be too shocked if they did ask similar questions though, this is Taiwan after all.

If you don’t co-operate they’ll probably install camera’s in your bedroom to research you and yours and just out of spite sell them at the night market. Everytime I rent a new place I always suspect the landlord of doing something like that. Better give them a good show eh :wink:

Sounds like there’s a lot of paranoia going on here. I don’t think its as sinister as you guys are making out. They know there’s problems with foreign spouses (read: foreign brides – male spouses of locals barely make it onto the radar here) and instead of listening to the rantings of xenophobic legislators, they want some actual statistics.
I don’t see much wrong with that.
Of course, I’ve just put the phone after telling the wife: “Tell them NOTHING, ya hear? Tell ‘em `Oh, my husband takes care of all that stuff.’ Of course, he doesn’t speak Chinese, so you’d better bring an interpreter with you next time.”

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]We got a form yesterday, in Chinese :unamused:
Also something about we have to hand it in in person before 11am on a weekday. :unamused:
Didn’t seem to be many questions on “How can we help you”, more about “how much do you earn”. I’ll need to look at it properly[/quote]


Can you scan that form or somehow e-mail a copy of the same to me? I’d like to ask the attorneys at my firm to make some inquiries re the same and to ascertain whether or not we indeed “need” to respond.

[quote=“sandman”]Sounds like there’s a lot of paranoia going on here. I don’t think its as sinister as you guys are making out. They know there’s problems with foreign spouses (read: foreign brides – male spouses of locals barely make it onto the radar here) and instead of listening to the rantings of xenophobic legislators, they want some actual statistics.
I don’t see much wrong with that.
Of course, I’ve just put the phone after telling the wife: “Tell them NOTHING, ya hear? Tell ‘em `Oh, my husband takes care of all that stuff.’ Of course, he doesn’t speak Chinese, so you’d better bring an interpreter with you next time.”[/quote]

I just told my wife not to cooperate also… but I’m not paranoid… they can ascertain our financial situation easily… check our tax returns… I’m just not comfortable with the idea of some department coming in and demanding this info in what seems to me an arbitrary way.

If, as they say, the purpose is to see how they can help us, what are they going to do, should we, for instance, indicate that we are struggling financially… give us money?


Can you scan that form or somehow e-mail a copy of the same to me? I’d like to ask the attorneys at my firm to make some inquiries re the same and to ascertain whether or not we indeed “need” to respond.[/quote]I don’t have a scanner, but I’ll to get Mrs Fluffy to translate some of it and post some of the points here. But you know how vague Taiwanese can be, especially when it comes to law and rights, and accepting that any Taiwanese would have anything but good intentions

But this line from the TT suggests it’s not compulsory:
The ministry has asked for the cooperation of foreign spouses and their family members in this interview process.

[quote=“Sandman”]Sounds like there’s a lot of paranoia going on here. I don’t think its as sinister as you guys are making out. They know there’s problems with foreign spouses (read: foreign brides – male spouses of locals barely make it onto the radar here) and instead of listening to the rantings of xenophobic legislators, they want some actual statistics. [/quote]Statistics to say what ? “X% of foreigners don’t even have a job, blah blah…” What are they concerned about ? The rights of foreign spouses ? Or “All the problems caused by foreigners” ? Don’t forget, This is the DPP we’re talking about here, the leader of which has influence with the top guy in which local government ? Taipei County, funny that.

Maybe we are being paranoid, there are worse things than to ask how much money we make (A§RC requirements anyone ?) but it is understandable why people are suspicious

They’re looking for, from the TT article:

basic profiles of foreign spouses and their Taiwanese spouses; the condition of the marriage; how many children they have; their living, financial and work situation; medical needs and guidance needs.

And they need this info because? Because they already have all this info for all other marriages on the island, but hadn’t figured out how to get it from couples with one foreign spouce? Because they want to know just what us foreign devils are up to? Because they want to make sure than any foreigners here are getting the best salary and health care possible?
Those are 3 possibilities; which do you think is most accurate?

Why in the hell do they need info on how many kids I have? Why is the state of my marriage an issue of anyone’s concern? My husband said he won’t cooperate, not that we’ve been asked. Strange that all you are men, but I’m a foreign bride, after all. Not Chinese though.