Need help getting rid of my new cockroach friends

So before Taiwan I was lucky enough to never see a cockroach in my life.

Unfortunately the other day I saw one next to my face on the wall as I was lying in bed. Scared the hell out of me and couldn’t sleep. Now I just found a dead one in my laundry. What the hell.

I know they say its pretty standard in Taiwan but I’m super afraid the problem will get out of control. I don’t have any food sitting around or anything like that so I have no idea how they got here. (Maybe shower drain?)

Wondering if anyone has anything they recommend to get rid of them. Been searching on the forums but curious if there are any products out there that arent the smoke bomb types as my apartment is a small studio that would most likely wind up getting poison all over my bed.

sos sos :open_mouth:

Collect and stir fry.

Seriously, it’s not easy to get rid of them 100%
Some just fly in through the window


No open windows here. And yeah so I’ve heard.

I’m just worried I will have some crazy roach infestation and there will be a coup and then I will lose dominance over my territory and have to move out and start a new life with a new name that sort of thing


Glue traps or squirt some of that gooey brown poison. It comes in a small tube.

That poison goo is the most effective. The roaches are attracted to its sweetness, take some, bring it back to their friends, infects everyone else, and they all die. Used to have roach infestations, but now that I lay down glue pre-emptively, I haven’t seen a single one this summer.


how long have you lived in this place? it kind of depends on where you live and the potential entrances they have. they can get in through very small gaps, check your windows. they can also get in through the drains. obviously you want to keep ur place clean but it doesn’t really matter if theres no food they still come sometimes. disgusting spawns of hell!

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Stick some 威滅pads, they’re effective, odorless, and safe.

Seal up any cracks in windows and doors.
Change your drain strainers to ones that open and close to prevent cockroaches.

Don’t ever leave any kind of food on the table for over long periods of time.

Great idea. Will do this, thank you

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I don’t think this is your solution, but for anyone else reading… Cats!

Since I got my cat, I haven’t seen any. Not saying there aren’t any attempts at entry, but with his super ears, he finds and chases anything away that moves :grin:

from wikihow:

[1] Try homemade cockroach baits. Mix one part powdered (not granular) boric acid (sometimes sold as a roach-killing powder, but often available in pharmacies), one part white flour, one part powdered white sugar. The sugar and flour attracts the roaches, and the boric acid kills them.
[2] Sprinkle the powder in the backs of drawers and cabinets, under the refrigerator, under the stove, and so on.

You can also try a similar mixture of 1 part boric acid, 2 parts flour and 1 part cocoa.
Expect at least 3 cycles of disappearance/reemergence of progressively smaller hordes of cockroaches, lasting about 2 weeks each. Continue using boric acid till roaches are gone.

Kids, dogs, and some other pets will eat this mixture. Boric acid is not highly toxic to humans and pets, but is for external use only, so place it where only the bugs can get it.

The mixture will cake hard in humid environments, so paper or foil trays may be needed to protect your floors and cabinets.

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Reading on the internet and I’m seeing that when they lay eggs they can lay up to 10,000?! That makes no sense to me. I feel like if that was the case we would have been overrun by now.

Get the big bag of baking soda from Costco and drop huge amounts of it wherever your food falls and collects in the kitchen, behind the oven, fridge, sink and where you see them running.
As the soda mixes with the food over time, there will be some for any type of cockroach, the sweet tooth, Salty Joe, whatever.
They will all disappear!

Combat cockroach baits work very well.
I put them in a year ago and no cockroaches to be seen.
I cheaped out and bought a Taiwan brand a few months ago, the roaches reappeared.

Put the combat traps back in, nothing again.
I swear by the stuff

Roaches can survive on your dead skin cells.

How many traps do you put out and where do you put them?

Well, it’s quite simple. You put them out where you observe the most roach activity. So usually dark kitchen drawers, by the fridge, by the garbage, near the oven or microwave, under the sink, by the toilet, and I put a few in my bedroom just as extra insurance.

As for how many… put out as many as you think you need.

I’ve used Premise by Bayer and it works without having to spray everything with poison. You put spots where you think they might be running around.
Besides that, I do spray the outside edge around windows and doors once a month or if I’m going away on the trip. It seems to help as I rarely see a roach. I think the hot weather is driving them indoors.

Don’t be in such a hurry. Friends can be hard to find here.



You free Wednesday’s? Got an open mike for you…

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Maybe get a pet Frog ?

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We use boric acid bait as well. Sticky traps for cockroaches are logistically not right. You can buy some that are boric acid based, or just buy the salt like powder and mix your own. Works even better on ants.

Sticky traps seem great until you start finding geckos, rodents, birds etc stuck to them. That’s just sad for many having to kill bigger animals when stuck.