Need help with work opportunities in light of lockdown

Man, we’re at almost 40 posts in this thread, most of it with good advices and suggestions. You’re getting free consultation tailored to you, and it’s not the first topic you open on similar issue.

Your replies have been nothing but reasons of why you can’t do this or that.
You didn’t post one ‘thank you’. Not a single one.

Go back and read @Marco post on top of the thread. That’s a reason why almost 20 people had liked it. He took his time to tell you things you need to hear, and it also reflects what many of us think.

We care about you, or we wouldn’t be replying to your threads again and again.

I think the best you could do now is go back to the many topics you’ve open with similar request and seriously think about the advices you’ve got.
You have your answers already, but you need to start doing something, too.



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That post took 1½ hours to write.


On your phone?

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I try to avoid long posts on phone. Hurts the thumbs. If I wanna write something long, I wait till I get home. Phone is just reserved for quips.

Well thought through.


I’m sorry.

Thank you for taking all that time to tell me what I need to hear.

I don’t say thank you often because when I say it, it is often ignored, leading me to think that it’s just a useless gesture.

So the worst sin in the world is complaining, not being poor or ugly or both? I never understand the hate for complaining since everyone seems to do it, including popular media (in fact it is what they get paid to do).

I am going to see a therapist monday. I don’t even know if it’s going to happen because of all these coronavirus events. But I’m going to ask for some strong antidepressants because fact is, I often get extremely depressed especially late in the day.

I don’t always understand what’s going on. I’m sorry if all I ever do is grate on people’s nerves. I’m thinking back and perhaps I should have just shut the hell up and never made this thread to begin with. So please delete this thread.


I think OP wants to quantify everything. I know the ‘know the value of your time and your hour’ but unless you got an emergency blanket or have built a good foundation you gotta be willing to put something out before you can receive. App developers don’t get paid for the endless hours they put in before launch. Entrepreneurs don’t get paid for the 7 day a week restless work before launching their business. You gotta provide value to society before you get value back. OP probably wouldn’t write @Marco ’s post because it costed him half an hour and OP is probably expecting 400nt for half an hour of his time. So no $ no time. I don’t want to seem harsh, OP. It might be just my perception but it does sound like you are excusing the suggestions. If you are already here in Taiwan you are already one step ahead than many people who would like to come and try a living here. I believe you have talents and can put them to good use. But one thing blocking you is wanting reward before sweat.


You have made a fantastic decision in seeing a therapist.

  1. Check and 104
  2. Check Chinese news paper they have some work page something like that.
  3. Go to Labor bureau web page and check work - I think you can read Chinese that’s easy you know.

Lots of job like working at morgue (collecting dead bodies)
Cleaning Kitchen at night and so on.


if you’re cool with doing online English or Mandarin tutoring, you could try You could probably apply as a community tutor (you’ll still get paid), that way you don’t have to submit any teaching certificates.

You even have an excuse for not saying thank you. That is next level shit right there.


your replies make people uncomfortable because people posted here with the assumption that you are really needing/wanting some help. But if what you want to do is just complaining without a need of actual solution, replies you get and people’s reaction to your replies would be different. I guess.

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This is what I mean…

People are mad at me because I am ungrateful. But when I say thank you people say I’m just looking for excuses.

And when I apologize because people say I just complain and whine, that also gets on people’s nerves too.

Human interaction is like rolling a 20 sided dice for me. Completely random, and often odds are against me.

one and a half an hour



You’re missing the points of what we’re actually trying to say.

We can’t fill the forums up with multiple posts of thank yous and your welcomes. It’s assumed that the poster read it and appreciates it. This is why we have the heart button at the bottom of the post. A button you have not pressed once.

We’re not giving you flak for complaining and nobody cares or has a problem with your appearance and financial status. You can complain all you want, but complaining often should come with a call to action or at least an attempt to try to resolve the issue. Sometimes it’s OK to complain, but it’s not OK to incessantly whinge about the same thing without trying to change it for the better.

What popular media does has nothing to do with you.

Seeing a therapist is a good start. But right now you’re deep in a hole from what you tell us and are unable to afford much. Depression isn’t your fault, but everything in life costs money.

This isn’t the point we’re trying to make and as @RickRoll says, you need to read these posts much more carefully. The point about me working in a buxiban and hating it comes from a time where I was much more in need of money and faced a situation where I wasn’t in a position to be picky.

In my opinion, you are not in a position to be picky about jobs right about now and you should be applying to WHATEVER you can get your hands on.

This place pays $26000. $2000 more than minimum wage and on the lifestyle you are living on right now, you could easily save $10000 or more a month with a good budget, putting you in six figures in a year, in three you have $300000 which is over $10000 US. Now you have enough money to try things like your guitar business, fix other issues or even leave Taiwan if it’s not right for you.

Even so, bus companies like Sanchung are so desperate for workers, they’re paying up to $80000 or even $100000/m for a job that they’re probably willing to train you for. All you have to do is have a can-do attitude, even if it’s fake. When I see an obstacle, I try to push it out of the way anyways. Drive the bus, get the customers to their destinations. Done.

In a year or two, on your frugal living, you could have so much money that you’d be able to afford whatever you need. Wanna make $100000(western) as a skilled tradesman and get a hands on job? Sure, now you have money for tickets and the apprenticeships have NEGATIVE tuition! Wanna open your business in another country after you get PR there? Go for it! Wanna move to China and help guitarists fix their guitars in a country that has so many people that even small markets like guitar repair have enough people to satiate your desire for business? Geez, the world is your oyster! You have such incredible capability but you waste your capability with your attitude. Don’t know how to market? Who cares, do it anyways. I don’t know how to video edit and they still pay me to edit videos! I grew better and better over time as they get happier with my work cause they say ‘can you do it’ and I say I can even if I can’t and I figure out a way to do it. You have options. You have options in a country across the water of a billion people because their stubbornness lets you waltz into their country willy nilly in a one-way open border.

Yes. Plane tickets cost money.
Therapy costs money.
Business creation costs money.
Eating healthy food and exercising to improve health and appearance cost money.
Everything costs money.

None of these above will be available until you shape up. I suggest start applying to anywhere and anything and taking what you can get, and taking advantage of employers that are desperate for employees for a higher salary. Bite the bullet. Get some savings. Then look at your options with freedom.

Take what people say and try. I can understand that some options aren’t available. Try first. Fail. Move on to the next one. At least you tried instead of…what appears like looking for all the ways things can go wrong and justifying them.

No more excuses. Try. Fail. Try again. Repeat—>till you succeed. That’s what we all have to do. It’s what I have to do and everyone else on these forums. We’ve all failed and we all picked ourselves up.

We have to. We don’t have a choice.


Where has this happened?

I really hope this actually happened because it would be a ridiculous claim to make when people are trying to help.

Nothing wrong with asking for help. It’s what you do when help is given that could come across wrong.

Take the suggestions and think of how to apply them. And most importantly: TAKE ACTION.


I’m seriously considering China. Mainly because all I need is a Taibaozheng, that costs like 1000nt to get. Plane ticket isn’t an issue as I’m probably just going to take a boat there and then train to wherever I’m going, hopefully somewhere not hot like Taiwan. Canada sounds lovely but to get PR there and lord knows what else (given my records) I can’t even begin to know what the cost is.

At least the vaccine is a first step as that is likely a prerequisite for any travel now.

It would probably cost money, but I can probably sell what I have now and hopefully have enough to get off this island.

There’s nothing wrong with working in China if it works for you. Nobody is telling you to give up your dreams, but what you have is unsustainable if you’ve been doing this for a year and it’s still not working.

You don’t want to go to China penniless(Dollarless? Jiaoliless?). You speak Chinese. The websites are not blocked in Taiwan. You can find jobs there from here too.

But I’d highly suggest trying to find something as a stopgap as mentioned above so that you have enough to live off of for a year or so while you figure out what you wanna do. You’re going to want to have $300000 or more for your guitar business. You need a buffer. The best thing I can think of that works for you while you figure out your plan is to look at the bus companies for the next little while. Sell your stuff. Downsize. Aggressively save and ensure you eat right. You’ll be swimming in cash before you know it and you’ll be on the road to better mental, physical and financial health.

That would be a win.

BTW. Press the heart button on posts you like. Start. On the road to success.