New Economic Immigration Bill

OK. I meant that Taiwan already has around 700,000 hard working international folks in Taiwan (they are not counted as “foreign professionals”); if the educated ones or skilled ones had a path to gaining residence rights in Taiwan (short of marrying someone here, currently they do not), it’d be much easier to reach the target of 100,000 named in that article.


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If I get @afterspivak correctly…

I think he’s saying that Taiwan won’t even get close to the numbers they’re hoping for because the Taiwanese government has a propensity to try to attract people that have already made it in their own countries.

People who have already made it in their own countries aren’t likely to leave because they already have it good. Taiwan’s refusal to tap into and develop home grown talent with its migrant workers is because they do not want to deal with largely untested people. It’s the typical risk-averse thinking.

Unlike countries like Canada that do take in large numbers of untested-talent and give them the tools to succeed.


There are more paths now for international students in Taiwan to work here and gain residence rights after they graduate. Before, they were simply kicked out, which was dumb as sh&t. So this is definitely a step in the right direction!


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Ok, that makes sense. Or, to put it another way, why not count migrant workers as equal to foreign professionals in the immigrant head count? Correct?

They are counted and managed differently by the state.

Migrant workers: one category (currently around 700,000 strong).

Foreign professionals: another category (currently around 48,000 or so).

People from HK, Macau, and China proper are also accounted for differently.

Taiwan is weird! :rofl:


This is very true. Hopefully the Gold card is trying to move beyond that, but the future will tell. Especially if citizenship rules change to allow dual citizenship - then it is more than just words.

The New Economic Migration Act is in the news today : 資深外勞轉中階技術人力 有譜 - 上市櫃 - 旺得富理財網

TL;DR - the executive branch has found a workaround to give some skilled migrant workers a pathway out of the 12 year limit. Details forthcoming but it will involve salary requirements and a minimum of 6 years of work experience.


I mean they are only doing what they desperately need to do. Once the pandemic settles down the labour demand will be insane in Taiwan.

I imagine they will still think of some hurdles to make it difficult…Just…Cos.

What they should do is train up caregivers and let them immigrate permanently due to the the demand from the rapidly aging population . But then they wouldn’t be able it abuse their rights compared to the current system.

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How about in the new economic immigration law the national without household they still put in the draw plan of this new plans

Canada apparently just created a pathway for nurses credentialed in the Philippines to practice as legitimate nurses in Canada.

If Canada can do it . . .



Are any new news about this new economic immigration bill?

The changes in the bill were subsumed into changes to the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign professionals, and changes to the Labor Standards Act/Employment Services Act regulations (for mid-level technicians, APRC pathway for blue collar workers). So, it’s unlikely the New Economic Immigration Bill is coming back. Instead more likely to be revised next is the Immigration Act.


So basically the main corpus of the bill has already been integrated into existing legislation right? are there main features which were left out?

I think the main things are now incorporated. I would have to go through the bill again to be sure :slight_smile: No time at the moment, so hopefully someone else can!

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I think in regards to the Foreign Professional parts, it was best it was incorporated into the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign professionals. Otherwise we would have had laws relating to immigration spanning across more acts that may overrule each other.

How so?

Can’t say … yet :slight_smile:


Are there anyone now making plans in changing on the immigration act?coz 2024 is near and there will be another year for presidentials election again and it sad that some of the new economic immigration bill didnt materialized into laws

Out of interest, any specific things from the law you were looking forward to?

The one they won’t do. Double citizenship lol. Or in absence of that make it harder for businesses to discriminate against foreigners but I guess that is not in the scope of “immigration act”.