šŸ†” New format for ARC/APRC number is not accepted--testing and reporting thread

New one this week for me: hospital records.

With a new ID number, the hospital thinks Iā€™m a new patient and havenā€™t been before. It took about 20mins to find the right counter, but Iā€™m assured that my old patient ID has been associated with my new ID.


I only have a Credit card with them that Iā€™d applied at one of their booths in a Costco. They just shipped the card to me 2 weeks later with online credentials and everything has been working perfectly for a year. I have never actually visited their bank. Theyā€™ve never asked for my name stamp either, until this error message now that wonā€™t let me login.

ꔜåø¶čŗ«åˆ†č­‰åŠåŽŸē•™å°é‘‘č¦Ŗč‡³ä»»äø€åˆ†č”Œé‡ę–°č¾¦ē†ļ¼Œč¬č¬ (Bring your ID card and original seal to any branch to re-apply, thank you.)

That line is a generic old timer thing. IME itā€™s not required anymore.

Amazing 21st century ā€œsmartā€ experience with Ro-ā€œChineseā€ characteristics!

ā€œAs we introduce new systems to make life easier for you, everything will slowly be deactivated and require manual intervention and time to get it running again. But donā€™t complain. Youā€™re just foreigners and weā€™re known all over the world as so niceā€


This has to be done with every clinic/doctor.
Your NHI health data is linked to new ID.
But their own local records will not know about the change. When they scan your card with new ID, it will tell then you are not registered with them.
They have to fiddle with their system to update it.


@au @audreyt

I think we have learned that doing nothing would have been much better. I usually say ā€˜better than nothingā€™ but this is far far worse than nothing.

I will have to meet my fate in one month.


Damn. This just doubled my anxiety.

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sorry Wrong post. Deleted.

I been having problems here and there with the new ID for the past 8 weeks, but I am a very patient man, so itā€™s all right. But having two problems at once today really struck me.

Itā€™s mentally exhausting having to deal with this. Didnā€™t need this today especially since my wife is upset and isnā€™t talking to me since yesterday, again. :sweat_smile:

Was already having a bad day, only made worse by the New ID!


Due to the ARC thingā€¦damn! Then you should sue the RoC government in family court !

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Letā€™s list the services which stop working automatically by detecting your number is no longer active? People can just concentrate on those first.

  1. Banks
  2. Hospitals
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This is such an ungrateful attitude after Taiwan has deigned to give you an ID number that nominally almost matches the ID number of Taiwanese citizens.

Less negativity, more appreciation of the inclusivity, please. :blush: :rainbow:



Yes, we are foreign scum that cause problems, do drugs and fuck all the women while stealing them from hard working Taiwanese.

We need to be kept at arms length, figuratively, digitally and literally. Our dicks are out of control!


You shows write to some media here to get more coverage of this disgraceful situation.


On a serious note, has there actually been any effort by the government to address all these issues, or any news articles about how shitty it all is? I donā€™t recall seeing any K-man articles on the topic since the new numbers were first introduced.

If it were up to me, Iā€™d favor a moratorium on issuing the new numbers for a couple of years until the government figures out how to unfuck everything and do it properly.


There is an effort from us:


Not sure any officials are lookingā€¦

Technically you can still use the old ID for next ten years and it is printed on the back of the ARC. But some institutions might insist in using the new ID (e.g. the Chunghwa post bank).


I am feeling guilty already. :slightly_smiling_face:

The only thing that makes me feel better is that I am going to pick up my TARC today ( :crossed_fingers: on which number theyā€™ll put in there).

With any luck I will be rid of the foreignerā€™s curse (and their cursed numbers) in a year once I become a Taiwanese. :smiley:


What was the reason for putting the foreigners identifiers in that spot instead of say character 3 or 4 in the ID?

Anyway no matter if it was deliberate or not (semi deliberate I guess), the damage is done and amplified by the need to use online verification systems.

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Oh thatā€™s cool. By which I mean depressing. Thanks for putting that together!

Yes, thatā€™s true. Doesnā€™t help the majority of the people whoā€™ll be forced to update their ARC within a year or two, thoughā€¦


Good work. Could you also included bad technical policy for the entities. For example many banks in Taiwan do not insist or even allow special characters in the password field, which is just a terrible design.