🆔 New format for ARC/APRC number is not accepted--testing and reporting thread

At this point I should know better than asking why they made it like this, but



I use an i-cash card for all purchases at 7-11 (due to a hectic teaching/research schedule, I tend to shop there daily). Today the clerk asked if I wanted to check it I had won the lottery for the last two months. Process as follows (simpler than the process in the link provided by @slawa, which is also appreciated). Using i-cash provides discounts and points used to get free products. Also, no need for paper receipts.

  1. Place the card on the scanner (NFC-based, I presume) on the iBon terminal.
  2. Clerk quickly selects the options (I basically just observed).
  3. Found it I won 200 NTD.
  4. Opted to add the 200 clams to my i-cash card balance.
  5. A paper receipt was printed. I signed and jotted down my phone number.
    6. Time to enter my NEW ARC number!
    7. Scanned the bar code on the back of my ARC.
    8. SUCCESS: Balance on the card immediately increased by 200 bones.

Granted, I hadn’t checked my receipts on the past ten years, so but sure how the old ARC number worked. However, I can confirm that the new ARC number is compatible with the lottery system, say least with the i-cash card method


Wait. You’re supposed to MANUALLY check if you win?


Same with EasyCard, need to check at the terminal if you store receipts digitally, unless you link it with the digital receipts account from the tax office.


As far as I know the terminal will check all your receipts saved on the i-cash (or similar cards). Very hassle-free, if you ask them to “save the receipts” in the card. There may be an automatic notification function of which I’m not aware, but the use of the terminal for checking is quite fast.

Main point: new numbers for the ARC do work for collecting receipt lottery winnings. I think the old ones did too, since I remember winning once back in my “instant noodles every meal PhD dissertation writing days” :joy:

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It’s the digital age with Taiwanese characteristics.


Taobao still will not not allow new ARC number to be used. I am registered on EZway, but when putting in ARC it shows not valid and won’t let me pay for customs.


An issue I ran into with Cathay Bank.

When linking the bank account to EasyWallet the app send you to a Cathay website to link. That website only accepts the old format.



            var MULT = [1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1];
            var character = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "X", "Y", "W", "Z", "I", "O"];
            var map = ["10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35"];
            var NEWID = '';
            var SUM = 0;
            var index1 = character.indexOf(val.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase());
            var char2 = val.substr(1, 1);
            var index2 = character.indexOf(char2.toUpperCase());
            if (index1 <= -1 || index2 <= -1 || "ABCD".indexOf(char2) <= -1) { return false; }
            if (val.length != 10) { return false; }
            NEWID = map[index1] + (map[index2] % 10) + val.substr(2, 8);
            for (var i = 0; i < NEWID.length; i++) {
                SUM += parseInt(NEWID.substr(i, 1), 10) * MULT[i];
            if (SUM % 10 != 0) {
                return false;

            return true;

Tomorrow I will try to use remote debugging and overwrite the validation function before sending the form. I am curious if they also do server-side validation. @fifieldt :happy_frog:


I’ll go with “No, they don’t” xD

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If they don’t, they deserve whatever is thrown at them

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And? @slawa did they do Server-Side validation?

(Server to client: “You are perfect as you are and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who says otherwise!”)

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They do it properly. The EasyWallet app posts to the login page all relevant data in XML format signed with a certificate.

MSG (personal data removed)
    <AccountLink Id="signData">
            <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
            <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"></ds:SignatureMethod>
            <ds:Reference URI="#signData">
                    <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"></ds:Transform>
                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"></ds:DigestMethod>
                    <ds:X509IssuerName>CN=TWCA Financial User CA,OU=User CA,O=TWCA,C=TW</ds:X509IssuerName>
                <ds:X509SubjectName>CN=70765909-02,OU=FXML,OU=0090000-RA-CHBPROD,OU=TWCA Financial User CA,O=Finance,C=TW</ds:X509SubjectName>

The data is then liked to your SessionID. Modification not possible.


Slightly off-topic, apologies. Just a short reply to @fifieldt

I signed up with Circles.Life back in December with the old ARC. All online. I don’t even think they have opened any stores. I uploaded ARC (Gold Card by the way, I was expecting trouble) and local driving licence. The online system said that passport or NHI card were accepted as well. I was approved within hours and received my SIM card at the 7-11 downstairs within days. Their customer service is a hotline or a live chat. I used the latter for an address change and it was easier than ordering a bubble tea :rofl:

The plan is like the other telcos. Monthly billing to your (credit/debit) card and unlimited internet. Awesome coverage.


Should we add HHRO to the list?


Things have become unbearable ever since I changed to the new ID format. Everyday there’s a new problem.

  1. Went to pay for new car insurance last week, and their system wouldn’t accept my new ID number.

  2. Four weeks ago, I got calls from Central Bank to visit CTBC because they said I wouldn’t be allowed to remit any money overseas anymore (I send to my parents each month).

  • Took a leave, went to CTBC, showed them my new ARC ID
  • Returned to the office, only to get a call from Central Bank saying, “did you visit? because the system still showing your old number, please return to the bank again”.
  • Went a second time, wasting an entire day.
  • Then today opened my CTBC online bank account, only to find that I am not allowed to make foreign remittances. The option is missing. It’s very upsetting because I urgently need to send money to my parents but need to take a leave now to go to the bank instead.
  1. Tried to login to Cathay today only to find that my online account has been completely “suspended” & I need to go to the bank with name stamp and ID. It’s sad that I had to find this information as an ERROR message. I am 100% sure this is caused by the new ID as well.

Can’t be a coincidence that everything is falling apart ever since the day I changed to the new ID number.

I really didn’t expect Taiwan to muck this up so badly.

My advice for anyone out there, if you have an old ARC (with the old number) that still has time left, don’t change it just for the sake of getting a new number. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot on purpose!


I appreciate you being the guinea pig for us, although the frustration for you sucks.

The K-Man’s article about the number change back in 2019 ended on this pessimistic, but not unexpected, note:

Officials have yet to address how the number change will help when foreigner IDs use 7, 8 or 9 for the second character, while citizen IDs use 1 or 2. Without a major overhaul, systems that require verification of the second character may still be unusable by foreigners.


I have a slight anxiety over updating my ARC. It’s due in July.

I’m yet to hear any positives of changing to the new system.


Your anxiety is justified.


There are none. Services which did not accept ARC ID’s still don’t accept them.
Even worse, some technical systems have not been updated. Some were not designed in a way for the ID numbers to be changed, so it will take a while until they fix it.

All in all it is a big waste of time. You have to take days off to take care of changing your ID number everywhere!

So far I ran into issues with Cathay. Bank account is fine (no credit card). But their reward system and Line integration are broken for me.

EasyWallet seems to have big issues. I think it is better just to register again with the new ID (not sure if possible to use same phone number).
I’m in contact with their support for weeks and it is still not fixed. It still uses my old ID and I can not link my banks since they changed to new ID.


I’ve not need the stamps with Cathay or SC for any business with them.

Are you using their paper based bank book by any chance ?