🆔 New format for ARC/APRC number is not accepted--testing and reporting thread

It’s not his fault that they screwed it up, but it must be very embarrassing right now.

I’m honestly very disappointed at the authorities with the way they have handled this.

They couldn’t have done a worse job.

Foreign residents here deserve a lot better than this shit.


Did you really expectant better giving their track record?

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Yes I expected better , I’ve been around a while and seen (very) slow and steady progression, this was a step backwards and it was flagged well in advance .

This is going to inconvenience so many people and even block us accessing many services. It’s not even a new restrictive law, it’s just pure ignorance and it shows a lack of care and concern for foreign residents.

Already foreigners struggle to access online services and they made it worse thus shunting us into a digital apartheid state !


No. It’s not his fault, but these are THE foreigners with the biggest voice. These particular brand of foreigners are also particularly inaccessible to everyone except big-wigs. Elites meeting elites.


So far this very much sounds like an expensive step backwards.

Spend lots of public money, end up pissing people off.

Can the new number system be salvaged? Or is it just a write-off?


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It can be salvaged. They government just needs to want to or be made to improve it.

It won’t be salvaged. Not as long as the government remains hell-bent keeping us at arm’s length.

  1. Change the format to be the same as on the national ID.
  2. Randomise the numbers to improve overall security.
  3. Admit the “old” system was a stupid idea and apologise to and reimburse anyone who already changed to the new A(P)RC. number format
  4. ???
  5. Profit!

Point 5 is the only thing that matters. I don’t believe they’re that incompetent that no one realized this. It seems to be a case of massive corruption.


I agree. People were writing in to tell them while this was being developed but it still rolled out. Chabuduo

  1. Strongly encourage/force all major banks/organizations/companies to implement ways that the number can be updated, ideally automatically* but definitely without each individual having to waste hours dealing with each organization. This should also be free of charge (NHI and driving license currently aren’t, IIRC).
  • It seems that NIA informs banks of ARC number changes, but not in a way that lets the bank just update everything themselves? What’s the point of that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
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It’s a quick fix.

Cathay has already updated your new ARC number, thus the error. I was asked to use a PC, click “forgot my password,” submit my new ARC number and cellphone number. The activation code was serve to my mobile. I can now log in to the app. This should be possible from home.

For other services, bring your new ARC and seal. The service person who triages customer issues will ask you to fill in a form (New ARC, cell number, stamp). They also photocopy the new ARC. This process was for the automatic deduction of my credit card fees from the post office bank every month. No need to line up. They just hand it to the relevant staff. Finished in ten minutes. Problems resolved in a day.

One issue: all outstanding fees need to be paid in cash (after the system error caused by the new ARC number). This can be done at an ATM. Afterwards, back to the normal method. They also increased my credit limit while I was finding time to visit the bank.


I already hear the excuse now. The banks are independent businesses that can decide for themselves how to operate… we won’t intervene.

The paying for a new nhi, drivers license, and work permit for aprc is another slap in the face for this poorly thought out system. Pay us so you can be inconvenienced further.

You’re welcome


I could have used my APRC until 2026 but I am supposed to change it to TARC this week and my problems will just begin. After a year we have to do it all over again after getting a Taiwanese ID…


I am in the exact same situation. Just got my TARC today which has new ID on the front, and the old one on the back. I’ll have to update everything a second time as well once I get Taiwanese ID.


All problems would be instantly solved with minimal costs incurred. What government would ever agree to that?


The benevolent absolutistic monarchy with me as empress would. :wink:

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You got my vote.


Have no format! This is 2021. Numbers don’t need to be formatted. Just maintain a database with the details.


Baby steps! We don’t want to shock the government with such radical approaches! :slight_smile: