New years

just wondering how many days will the stores/shop be closed for new years? like when will banks, post office open up? resturants stores in general etc…thanks

Not sure.It depends.

Most of stores or the food stores may open after few days rest on this Friday.
Because its the lucky day for business open after CNY .
but some of stores they wont close on CNY.
And some of stores close after CNY.
But we can be sure the bank ,post offices the official organizations will open on next monday.

Have a look at this thread about Taipei restaurants. [ … highlight=](What IS open today?

Some banks will be open this Monday, apparently. Don’t know about POs; wisher says next Monday. The ATM machines are supposed to have been refilled anyway. The supermarkets and food courts courts will be open in the big department stores.

How many new years are we having?

Virtually everything in Yong He seems to be open. Seems the only things that seem to be closed are a couple of family owned stores and the banks.