New York Department of Health Fully Endorses Racism

How do you determine whether they need the medicine?

Not by race, sex, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

No. Are you? I didnā€™t ask how you donā€™t determine it. I asked how you determine it.

Well, when you are ready to read my posts and respond, please let me know. I suggested giving anyone who needs the medicine get it. You suggested wealth or geography as factors, relegating people to death based on income or where they live.

So do you believe that if they ask for it, they deserve it? If they donā€™t, they donā€™t?

If they have coronavirus and will be benefitted by taking the medicine, they should get it.

This is why I like lawyers. Itā€™s like fishing for old bass who know the tricks. :laughing:

I choose to take that as a compliment.

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As it was intended!

And now this:

The problem with using race as an approximation for need is that there isnā€™t any evidence that race itself has any impact on COVID-19 severity. The virus doesnā€™t care about the color of oneā€™s skin.

Proponents of these racial interventions would argue that race works as a proxy for factors that do make someone more vulnerable to severe illness. Itā€™s true, for instance, that the obesity rate in America among African Americans and Hispanics is significantly higher than the rate among whites. But what makes someone more vulnerable to COVID-19 is not their race, but their obesity, which, as the CDC notes, impairs the immune system and decreases lung capacity. Thereā€™s no reason to use race to roughly approximate the presence of causal factors like obesity rather than just using those factors themselves.

The progressive dream has always been to build a society where everyone can meet their basic needs. By continuing to cling to the social fiction of race and mistaking correlation for causation, those pushing race-sensitive policies could undermine the social solidarity needed to win the social and economic rights weā€™ve long been denied.

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I searched the board of advisors for FAIR, and I was impressed. A good cross-section of differing perspectives.

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Really? In Sweden had big spread