NHI app registration


Yeah, I could, but the Google Translate app tends to hang on my phone when I try to import an image from my screenshots folder because the app defaults to my camera folder, which is really full. :man_shrugging:t3:

So I just tend to ignore stuff that Taiwanese app/web designers make difficult to translate, unless it’s really essential to understand (this wasn’t). It’s better for my inner peace.

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I also cannot log in anymore, but I think it is due to changing my ID card number and not yet updating it with the health insurance people.

Weird. That seems to imply that NIA contacts NHI to tell them you have a new number but doesn’t tell them what it is, which raises the question of…why? :thinking:

I’ve read of them doing the same with banks though, so…

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I cannot make it work. Do I need to register first and which website can I do it?

Is anyone else who uses this app getting a ton of notifications today?

I’ve received three already since this morning. I wish it’d stop bothering me. :unamused:

In settings You can stop the notifications

Go to 我的>設定與隱私>通知設定>Select which notifications do you want to receive or stop all of them

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I have been using the NHI app without an issue but since the latest update the app force quits immediately after opening. I’m on Android 13. Does anyone have the same issue?

I just updated the app to the latest version and it’s still working fine here…I’m on Android 12 though.

What is the app useful for?

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It’s working fine for me on Android 13.

It’s kind of clunky, but you can use it to check most blood test results (not all - some blood tests like radioimmunoassays don’t appear for some hospitals, presumably because they’re classed as radiology, which isn’t shown in the app).

There are some other functions I don’t personally see much value in, like records of prescriptions and medical costs, but the most useful function is the blood test results IMO.

still working fine for me, android 13 (samsung with one ui 5.1.1)

well, this is mainly due to my situation, but I find the app extremely useful to get the premium payment statement and use the online payment function to pay my NHI premium (being self-employed, need to do that by myself). I also like the prescription history function, very insightfull

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