Just wondering if anyone has successfully gotten the American IRS to accept NHI as proof of health insurance to alleviate the ACA penalty for “not having health insurance”…? :thinking:

I just ticked the box or whatever saying I had health insurance. I was never asked for proof.

Has that always been the case for you? Asking here because when it first came out there was a paperwork mixup and we did exactly that and the IRS came back with the penalty and we had to jump through a bunch of paperwork hoops to get it cleared up.

Or perhaps they special-case folks residing outside the country? Do you also file the FEIC form 2555? :thinking:

Probably. I’ve been reporting the same way since the ACA penalty went into effect.


Marking this as the Solution for now, thanks so much! :grin:

Hope you don’t get in trouble. :slightly_smiling_face:

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