Nice modding on the White Nationalist thread (not kidding)

(You are now entering the Sarcasm-Free zone, please take note)

I think, whether it was intentional or not, the moderation of that thread was about perfect.
Everyone basically got a kick at the cat, and how often does that happen?

The OP got ample opportunity to not only voice his opinion, but the thread was up long enough for him to not only see the public response, but in fact comment on it.
I personally was amazed at how long my poll was allowed to remain functional, since there were elements to it that might not have been that popular with the administration.

So everyone got a chance to weigh in, and then it got disappeared once it looked to be running out of steam.
Good job, dudeocracy.


I think it’s better to leave individual posters out of the discussion.

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I second the sentiments of the esteemed member from round the corner.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Where is the thread about the “white nationalism”?