“No won no why”--I’m out of another job

Taiwanese boss argued that the student was using the word no appropriately. Kid wrote “No won no why”. Boss said I needed to correct the 11 year old student’s paper. I explained I didn’t know where to begin and that the kid was obviously just playing around. The kid reads very well so how could he write such a paper if he were not just playing around?


Spelling “that” as “let” in accordance with Taiwanese pronunciation is a nice touch. This kid is going places.


I don’t get what’s wack. That the kid cant spell? That you have to correct it?

No won no why this is wack. Well I don’t at least.

Edit. Just noticed the drawing at the top. Funny.


What is whack is the headmistress tells me that the kids use of no is correct. She said there was nothing wrong with what he wrote - the sentence I cited. No does not equal no.

The kid doesn’t talk like this in conversation and he reads well so I believe he was playing around writing this.

Well, one thing is for certain. Taiwanese do not like to be told when they are wrong, especially when they are your overlord and you’re just their foreign monkey subordinate.

Let’s analyze the sentence as written.

“No won no why.”

Should have been written,

No one knew why.

So, in fact the first “no” is correctly used if read like this.

If the boss woman is even one iota correct, then she’ll insist that she’s correct to save face.

Correct me if I’m wrong.


Yes, she was introducing me to a course and incorrectly pronounced the word genre. I questioned her about what she was saying because what she spoke was unintelligible. When I figured out what she was saying she didn’t seem to take it very well when I said the word genre properly.

Yes, this was in front of the class. I had already written the student’s sentences on the whiteboard. Everyone in the class knew that the headmistress was incorrect.

She was making efforts to insult me in front of the class but she ended up showing her stupidity.

This same teacher teaches the kids vocabulary but does not care what tense the kids use on their test. The test requires the kids to use the vocabulary in a sentence - fill in the blank. When I asked the kids why they were not using the proper tense the answer was tenses didn’t matter so as long as they used the correct vocabulary term the answer would be correct.

Anyhow, looking for a new job now.


So after this class I’m leaving the building. This teacher is on the street in front of the school. She tells me that I can’t spend the entire class meeting reading the assigned book fiction. We had 2 chapters to cover this week according to the syllabus. I ask her when the 2 chapters should be read and she says “Don’t you threaten me !!!” I ask her what she is talking about and she repeats herself. I shake my head and walk to my scooter. A parent was standing there next to her, doesn’t like my facial expression and now claims she is afraid of me. This place is whack. Looking for a new job. Clown show


Have you quit? Or are you looking for a new job first?

Great question.

I recommend that @stinsonlover just calls it his last day and walks away now.

She has threatened you by intimating that she feels threatened by you. I can’t see this as ending well if you go back tomorrow and finish up as a professional. You will not receive the same courtesy.


Yes, I called in sick the next day.

I surely don’t want to be anywhere near that woman. I in no way threatened that woman. You can imagine the shocked look on my face when she said what she did. She could accuse me of anything. The entire encounter last no more than 10 seconds.

I don’t have anything in writing saying I’m fired but I’m already looking for something else. I have many abilities beyond being a clown.

My Taiwanese wife says she can’t imagine why anyone would come here to teach. She thinks foreigners are continuing to leave. She thinks that there must still be a teacher shortage.


At least one of us does.


We’ve all got talents. I’m sure you are good at singing or dancing or whatever outside of being a clown.


Have they not tried to contact you to see if you will come back?

As @MalcolmReynolds said, I wouldn’t be going back. I wouldn’t be spending any time with that coworker at least.

How long have you worked there?


Yes, I have no plans of going back. The kids in that class weren’t interested in learning anything. They would play around, talk, bring toys, do homework for other classes. I can’t blame them. I’d hate for my daughter to be subject to such a setting. Go to regular school all day and come to this place with no windows or any decoration? My child only goes to piano, violin, art, swimming, or rollerblading class after her regular school. She comes home to play with her dog and to have me read a book to her.

I’m very happy to meet my daughter at the bus stop in the early afternoon and spend these hours with her instead.

The kids didn’t want to be there and neither did I.

There are plenty of jobs and enough teachers to go around. I’ll enjoy several weeks of doing things I like doing.


Your skills definitely include finding shit jobs. :crazy_face:


Yes. I’m like a magnet for strange things. It’s been like this my entire life.




I think there were other things going on as well. I’ve been suspicious of something my recent situations had in common.

Can you explain further? If not it’s cool.

It’s probably as simple as me just coming across as a punching bag.

But just an observation - I’m not openly straight but it is quite obvious that I am. The woman I described the encounter with above is probably not straight.

The whole thing was just so awkward.

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