Noise in New Taipei City!

5 years old news. Can we already agree that it is not effective?


Thru don’t use them. They could but they don’t.

Taoyuan government says you need a picture of the cars , scooters or generally anything that is producing the noise. :joy::joy::joy:

  • 一、檢舉時間:請於發現噪音車後30日內儘快利用下列管道檢舉。
  • 二、檢舉管道:本署提供下列檢舉管道,請妥善利用。
  • 三、檢舉要項:必須具備下列資料,檢舉方可生效。
    • 檢舉人真實姓名(並請您提供身分證統一編號,供各縣市環保局必要時進行查證確認)。
    • 聯絡電話(日間可聯繫電話)及地址。
    • 噪音車車種。
    • 車號。
    • 發現時間。
    • 發現路段。
    • 妨害安寧事實或違規證據(請您提供錄音或錄影或照片或影片等資料或於必要時各縣市環保局將訪查您並紀錄做為事實或證據資料)。
  • 四、 車輛允許合法改裝,其規定請參閱「道路交通安全規則」第23條、第23條之1及附件七(車輛燈光與標誌檢驗規定)與附件十五(汽車設備規格變更規定)。有關車輛不當改裝案件請至交通部公路總局-檢舉非法改裝車輛反映

They’re out in Xindian most weekends, there are a lot less AH’s with loud exhausts driving around at 3am than there were in the past but certainly hasn’t completely solved the problem…hence wonder how bad things would be if they’re weren’t in use! There are also one or two fixed cameras in NTC.

They ask for audio, video or pictures. All that will happen if you report is they’ll require the owner to bring the vehicle to inspection, they won’t be fined based on your video or audio recording anyway so a picture is just as good.


It’s day fucking eight of the new year and people still think it’s necessary to set off firecrackers.


Businesses reopening?

Or simply trying to get an auspicious start to the year!


The last burst of celebration. Most people face the grim prospect of returning to work tomorrow and want to send off their holiday with a bang. Literally.

Must say that this year, for me in Taipei, has been blissfully very low on firecracker noise. Today was the first day I heard just a few of those rat-a-tat-tat machine gun style ones. And those were in a distance. Even horn noise has been (knock on wood) pretty low.

Brace yourself for the return Monday.


Businesses seems to think reopening after new year requires fireworks.

Researchers and volunteers have teamed up to develop a map of Taipei that pinpoints places of peace and quiet.



I’ve never been bothered by noise unless neighbours were renovating.

That’s because you grew up being bombarded with it 24/7.


My road is proof they don’t use these.
There’s a police station, and a speed camera. The police often go out on patrol too (its sanchong)
But ain’t nothin doing.
Its loud 24/7. So many boy racers.

Its sadly one of the many problems that Taiwanese people are barely aware of. Which is hard to believe, the sound of the traffic gearing up physically makes me feel bad.


Lol no. It just isn’t very noisy unless you are right beside heavy traffic.

Trust me, it is. The factory setting on your noise-o-stat is just much higher.


Lol it’s not. Most places are very quiet after like 9PM or so.

Ask anyone who didn’t grow up here if Taiwan is a noisy place. 100% will say yes.


URL looks totally legit and safe.

So what is wrong with ?

You are currently on :thinking:

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Yeah right I’m sure a New Yorker would say Taiwan is noisy, lol.