Noise in New Taipei City!

so that’s the conundrum: they advertise a listen-through feature, but how do you reconcile that with noise-cancelling?

Yep, in Taipei

They really are budget. Do you have any recommendations for something more durable, with replaceable components? I can’t trust Amazon reviews anymore…

There are some laws about Noise control 噪音管制區劃定作業準則

There are 4 zones of Noise Control :

第 2 條

  • 一、第一類噪音管制區:環境亟需安寧之地區。
  • 二、第二類噪音管制區:供住宅使用為主且需要安寧之地區。
  • 三、第三類噪音管制區:以住宅使用為主,但混合商業或工業等使用,且需維護其住宅安寧之地區。
  • 四、第四類噪音管制區:供工業或交通使用為主,且需防止噪音影響附近住宅安寧之地區。

For Taipei city , you can search the Noise zone by address in the following link

Also a map by district

You can download the maps by district

Notice for Noise control from New Taipei city gov.


How was it? I’ve traveled all over northern India and when I came back to Taiwan felt as though I’d found the most peaceful place.

I was 9 years old.

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I do sympathise. This is a good opportunity to practice meditation and mind control. Trust me, it’s the only weapon you have unless you want to bury yourself in a basement. By the way, outside of Taipei may seem quieter but it’s all relative and you’ll certainly be bothered by some noise. Having said that, don’t be afraid to complain about noisy neighbours, politely of course, because you have a right to sleep and neighbours must comply with reasonable requests to be a bit quieter (many people here are cranky and need noise to distract them from their own inner disquiet.)

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Must have been interesting back then. Of course as a 9 year old you probably had a different view of things as you might today. I’ve only traveled there over the past 5 years. Wish I had gone there decades ago. That said, it’s crazy noisy. The honking everywhere drove me nuts.

I revisited Pune in 2010. What hit me the most was the smell of asphalt every evening. The place had become so industrial, but the traditional market hadn’t changed with meat hanging down covered in flies. It was interesting, but I won’t go again.

Also, Mumbai airport is a freaking joke. Looks great but doesn’t work. Design over function.

Beautiful airport, worked perfectly well on my visits! What didn’t work for you?

Identikit blokes with handlebar moustaches double checking our passports every five minutes. Took us an hour to get out of the place.

This appears not to have happened to you. It happened to me 10 years ago. You breezed through how long ago?

Are we talking about the same thing? T2 is what I would consider beautiful in Mumbai airport but I don’t think it opened until 2014 or so, I was last there in 2016. The previous international terminal was horrible and full of odd segregated checks, it certainly didn’t look great though.

This T2;



And related: does anybody know whether these loud speakers that shops leave outside in the street repeating the same shit over and over are legal? Every time I pass by one of those I feel like to turn it off or smash it against the ground.


You mean the Megaphone 喊話器? I couldn’t find if is legal or not , but I see many shops do it

However there are some Noise control standards that these shops should follow

Also for Taipei city you can call the number 1999 Citizen Hotline or submit a case

Amendment to Noise Control Standards
Noise Control Act Enforcement Rules
Noise Control Act
Clause 4, Article 8 of the Noise Control Act
Air Quality Protection and Noise Control Division


I think it’s called 大聲公 in local parlance.

I sometimes turn them off. That’s how annoying they are.


I lived on the 39th floor in HK a while back. Noise travels pretty far in open air. Good soundproof windows make a difference though

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On the 22nd floor and some types of traffic noise are actually louder than when I lived on the 5th floor of the same building. Having an enclosed balcony acts as great double glazing to reduce noise though.


" New York Is Now Using Cameras With Microphones to Ticket Loud Cars"

Time for Taiwan to follow suit.


Taiwan has been doing it for years, if it’s actually effective I’d hate to think what the place would be like if it wasn’t in place!