Noise, noise, noise

Maybe later, when they want to kill the party…?

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I actually played when I was younger, but I am not good at gambling. I feel bad when losing and I feel bad for the losers when winning, which is a bad recipe for keeping the wins coming. You have to be very greedy and careful to not make mistakes when playing mahjong. I often was on a good streak and then the fortunes completely changed after making careless mistakes. Overall, I lost way more than I won.


Bring enough money, thousands.

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After 30 years of being subjected to all sorts of noise, from jack hammering in nearby apartments, to firecracker explosions and other religious practices, to advertising vans, to big bikes and small-dick tuned cars, to karaoke singing in nearby apartments and close to hiking trails, people talking loud near me, etc. etc. while always trying to be a good sport keeping my own noise emissions down to a minimum and not complaining much about others’ noise, I am now shocked at how intolerant others can be when I, via a tantrum throwing toddler, am the one making a little bit of noise. Happened yesterday on the bus, when our boy voiced his opinion to change the seating arrangements mid-drive, us approaching our destination soon. The outburst lasted like 20 seconds and immediately people gave us mean looks and an old fart even addressed the 2-year old, petitioning for more consideration towards other people on the bus. WTF? It’s a fricking 2-year old, dude!

Experiencing the world as someone taking care of a little child has been an eye-opening one, indeed.


When my kids were that small we encountered a lot of this from old people in particular. On trains and buses. And of course neighbours moaning . Taiwan culture has changed hugely. Lots of entitled old people. It’s like they forgot they had young children once. I have had neighbours complaining about my kids making noise in the daytime cos they want to take naps then. Assholes. Most have also been unfriendly when we moved in initially. Later they calm down when they find out we aren’t going to ruin their neighbourhood.


To be fair, in the past, when hearing toddlers screaming at the top of their lungs in other apartments, I often got upset thinking of child abuse and bad parenting etc. Now I know that screaming is just part of growing up and there is not much you can prevent it altogether. I just feel that some people are overreacting immediately and make no attempt at being a bit more understanding. Of course, others, who have been in those situations, will say something encouraging instead. So, it’s not all bad.

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It’s mostly an old people thing here. Which is weird cos they go crazy about babies as well. But only when they are being cute.

The thing about complaining about a toddler tantrum is it increases the tension and makes the tantrum worse. I’m not sure what complainers expect to get out of it.

If the parents aren’t doing anything, taking the kid out of a restaurant for example, then I suppose complaining might achieve something.

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Good summary of Taipei City and environs circa 2022.



Some are even on Forumosa.


i had a neighbor complaining my son was dragging the chair on the floor. He lived on the third floor, we lived on the 5th… with old age he got super natural hearing.
another neighbor told me not to make noise since it interrupts his daughter’s sleep… said daughter is in her thirties.


I once threw a tantrum. In a supermarket. Because my mother wouldn’t get me a toy. Instead she gave me a hard slap. I stfu right away and never threw a tantrum again.

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And what, you turned out alright?


Not only the noise, but im always afraid that one of their firecrackers end up damage my vehicle I will claim and then thier mob will come out and then will be hell of a fight where Im sure that even if I win or lose…taiwan law will put me like the bad guy.

I guess that approach works for some people and not for others.

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Well, you’re talking about social norms from what, 60 years ago? I prefered to use my words to calm and sooth when my son was little and screamy, rather than threaten or promise some reward for “being good.”

l guess you were older than three at that point, otherwise you’d probably not remember. Slapping a two-year old is not really a good idea if you want to decrease the noise level.

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The website of the project:


Wonder if they’ll expand the project to other major cities. I feel like it’s pretty hard to escape the noisy environments in general, even outside the city. It’s a big annoyance anytime I need to take a call outside. Indoors I feel uncomfortable taking a phone call unless I can find a spot away from other people to avoid being loud or disturbing others…but outdoors it’s near impossible to have a phone call without being interrupted by multiple loud scooters driving by.

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Just need to vent for a minute, cause this has been bothering me a long, long time.

In the office, guy in front of me talks while typing, ALL the time.

I always tell myself, ignore, ignore, ignore… for the sake of harmony in the office. Can’t bring myself to confront him, cause that would certainly be taken as rude and me will be the overly sensitive guy.

Tried it once, jokingly. “Who are you talking to?” “Ha, ha, self-talking.” Continue he does.

Guess I have to live with it for the rest of my time in this company, unless he leaves or the seating arrangements change.

It’s not a big thing, sometimes I block it out with a headphone blasting 70s indie rock or rain in the forest white noise.

Just wanted to vent, feel better already. :sun_with_face: