Non Trinitarian Christians

  1. Are there any Non Trinitarian Christians on Forumosa?
  2. Are the Mormons non Trinitarian ?

I don’t know, but it looks as if they do, but maybe with some difference or another:

The thing is, how is that different from the Anglicans/Episcopalians? And I’m pretty sure they believe in the Trinity.

That hymn refers to “God in Three Persons,” but follows that phrase with “Blessed Trinity,” which sounds kind of like what that Mormon webpage said.

To me, it’s kind of confusing.


I grew up Mormon. They believe there are three seperate deities but they work together almost like a single mind.

Most trinity believers view the trinity like Jesus is basically the avatar of god / holy ghost and that all three are one being. That’s how I understand it, but please tell me if I’m mistaken


Some Mormons believe in a 4th deity; the holy mother, but there’s a lack of scripture on the subject so it’s hotly debated in Mormonism


What’s that though? If a Christian is a follower of Jesus (who identified himself as God). Doesn’t that mean that to be a Christian, you must believe in the trinity?


Quite a few sects do not.They basically believe that Jesus is the son of God but is not God, he is as much the son of God as you would be the son of your father. Then the “Holy Ghost” is the power of God in the universe that can create change , miracles ,deeper perception and so on.
For example reading the Bible would be of little meaning unless you were possessed of the holy Ghost or spirit, only then could it be read and its esoteric knowledge revealed fully or else it is just a rule book.
Let’s say you were in a service singing and praying then suddenly a few people start going into a kind of ecstatic state , and the band members start totally improvising to what they were playing, and this was spreading around the church congregation of 100 at about one person every 10 seconds they would say " The holy Ghost is among us."
All these three sometimes appear at the same time such as the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. The heavens opened and God spoke, then the white dove that appeared was the Holy Ghost and Jesus was also there as he was being baptized. So basically three separate entities working together , but ultimately still under God.

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If you believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost but that they are three separate beings, you are a polytheist, just like Catholics (who pray to and celebrate saints), which makes you a heathen which means you’re going to Hell. I love religion.


There are different models of the Trinity: classical trinity, social trinity (three beings one community), and the Eastern Orthodox have their own model.

Some have argued that Mormons believe in the social trinity.


An I interesting post. I am thinking on it ha. I cannot think of anyway to refute your statement , but I will think about it.
For me the Holy Trinity is the three aspects of the one God (Lord).


I think that’s called modalism and it’s been declared a heresy.

(Nothing wrong with being a heretic).


Well Lucifer and Satan are two aspects of the same entity. I think

Yeah I think most Bible scholars believe Christians conflated the two people very late.

But recently, a pair of Dutch scholars discovered a Canaanite myth that’s older than the Bible about a figure who had characteristics of both Satan and Lucifer.


Sounds interesting, do you have any other information about it?


I thought that Lucifer is a name and Satan is a title.

The angel in this incident is referred to as a “satan”. The original Hebrew term śāṭān ( Hebrew: שָׂטָן ‎) is a generic noun meaning “accuser” or “adversary”, which is used throughout the Hebrew Bible to refer to ordinary human adversaries, as well as a specific supernatural entity.


Explaining the Holy Trinity in a sentence in a forum is not adequate. It cannot be left to just a sound-bite, so to speak.

The top few hits from duckduck website probably do as good a job as explaining it as anyone could here, but not in under 10 seconds of reading that most of us wish for in getting a quick answer from the flob.

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Come now. Apparently they’re pretty pure.


Thanks I fixed it :joy:

And growing up Mormon, many are only pure on the surface…

It’s in this book. I’ll see if I can post relevant passages later.



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Won’t stop people from writing about it though.

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According to the Canaanite myth the evil deity Horanu bit Adammu and was cast out of heaven to wander.

Genesis split Horanu into two people, the serpent and Cain. And Satan was said to wander like Horanu was in Job.

Lucifer is some Roman astral deity the King James translators inserted for Hilelu (the shining one).

In the Canaanite myth Horanu means “blazing one.”