Not coronavirus related thread

I know it’s difficult to find that very important topic you care about buried under lots of coronavirus threads, so you guys can use this one for anything else.

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Can we discuss Corona beer at least? It’s technically unrelated.

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I misread that as “underrated.” :astonished:

Most of the Budweiser in the shops here are from Wuhan. Coronavirus is from Wuhan. Corona taste more or less as horrible as Budweiser. It’s all connected and related!

Eh, Corona definitely sucks, but it’s like Heineken-suck level. Not quite as low as Bud-suck.




Okay, question: the song in the “challenge” video where the professional clout-seeker licks a toilet seat, with the guy saying “Corona time, it’s Corona time” with a strong Mexican(?) accent, where do I get the rest of that version of the song?