Not island china


But ROC and USA citizenship are not mutally exclusive. If your child is born on USA soil they qualify for both ROC and USA citizenship. ROC citizenship only requires one parent to be of ROC citizenship to confer status to the child these days.

Do children of PRC/ROC unions qualify for both citizenships?

“A zealot? Hmm… maybe someone that believes the vernacular
must be changed if it conflicts with his political perspective?”
Let’s see;
I’m toying with the English manifestation of an historical aberrration
in the language,
you’re extolling the subjection of 23 million democraticaly governed
people to a communist dictatorship.

I would suggest a vote on the issue, but I know the value of the
voice of the people in that system.

nice rhythm in that post.

[quote=“ccpcannonfodder”]I’m toying with the English manifestation of an historical aberrration
in the language,
you’re extolling the subjection of 23 million democraticaly governed
people to a communist dictatorship.

I would suggest a vote on the issue, but I know the value of the
voice of the people in that system.[/quote]
A vote on what issue?

I have a political position and perspective, of which I am obviously unafraid and unashamed. My mind is unfettered, and I’m happy to discuss its implications. I speak in the clearest English that I can manage, with no interest in distraction.

You have a mental condition. Your political position is apparently so fragile and so vulnerable, you must guard your language against accidental slippage by eliminating terms that reflect unacceptable political positions. In case you missed the reference to NewSpeak and goodthink from my previous message, your behavior fits very well with the true message of Orwell’s 1984. The lessons of Orwell’s writings apply just as fully to English-speaking, so-called defenders of “democracy” as it does to the foreign Communist boogeyman.

The constant reliance on obscure prose suggests either a lack of English ability on your part (unlikely since you claim to teach the language), or more likely, a lack of confidence in your ability to phrase your statements coherently and convincingly.

What are you trying to hide with your child-like games?


I think now you understand exactly what I mean when I say I understand my limitations, responsibilities, and capabilities. I have a responsibility to my own immediate family. I know my limitations because I know I am just one person, and I’m no rambo. I know my capabilities because I also know that a man’s patriotism isn’t measured by what he’s willing to sacrifice (his life), but rather what he’s able to achieve.

Talk is incredibly cheap. If you mean something, let’s see you demonstrate some notable ways where you’ve proven it. You keep bringing up your list of limited public service; I skim past it because I simply don’t care. Your record isn’t up for challenge in my mind; I couldn’t care less if you were Thomas Jefferson incarnate or an arrested triple-murderer. I don’t plan to make a public listing of my “service” to China, but believe me, I’m very much at peace with what I have already achieved.

You seem to take pride that you “live in your home country”, taking this as an obvious sign of my own moral… what, inadequacies? I do live in the United States for most of the year. And I do this for the same set of economic, professional, and personal reasons that lead most of us away from our “home countries”. It has nothing to do with patriotism or anything else.

Think for a second about the statement you’re making. Does this mean you were less patriotic when you lived in Taiwan? Does this mean Michael Turton is less-than American because he lives in Taiwan? Does this mean all of the Americans living/raising kids in China and Taiwan are abandoning their countries because they’re afraid? What percentage of those on this forum do you think actually live in their country of record as of this moment?

Stop trying to judge the “status” of my patriotism. Judgments should be the conclusion of a drawn-out thought process, not the starting point. Spend more time dwelling on what you don’t know and why others, apparently rational and morally as righteous as you, can feel differently about similar issues.

I think he enjoys trying to express himself with a beat. So? I get his point. Teaching English or just teaching in general can get boring. It’s just his outlet- same for you and me. Rap it fodderman!!!

I went back and re-read this paragraph from your earlier post.

And shake my head.

just you wait til i read your post. you better go hide right now. i read the above one- shake it like a polaroid pic-cha :bravo: OK read it. I did see that maybe i was being harsh on people who live in foreign countries. they don’t abandon love for their home countries just cuz they move. that’s why when i went back (a couple of days ago) and edited it, i put in (adopted) country. guess you didn’t catch that nuance. of course i didn’t spell it out for you either. so maybe i have to say that i have learned from posting about this that action tied to one’s home country isn’t the important thing, but rather action tied to the place you currently live in is. in taiwan there’s lots of room for foreigners to contribute, as long as they don’t push for independence while all the time planning evacuating in the event of a war. i guess your point is you contribute through your work and you fullfill familial responsibilites. that’s good. but the advantages you enjoy in the us were brought about by people who went beyond doing that. the +1’s. the thing is you can be a very rich, very accomplished ‘zero’. why don’t you just say: ‘you’re right, v. on your scale, I am a zero, and i am very much at peace with that. i will continue to take advantage of all the opportunities your country has to offer, and i shall continue to not feel it my duty to give back to the country that has given me so much. and i will teach my children to do the same.’ my mom always said ‘charity begins at home’, but she never said it stopped there. use my country for all its worth- we love educated immigrants like you. btw could you recommend other current events/ arts forums for me to join, because this one is getting slow again.

Your posts are so convoluted, I get confused, v.

After all this, your primary commentary is that I should be “giving more back to the US”? I thought you were accusing me of not doing enough for China.

But all along, you were concerned that I wasn’t doing enough for the country that I’m not a citizen of. I’m a Chinese man currently living and working in the United States, and I’m absolutely at peace with my “contributions”. I pay my share of taxes, I obey the law, and I respect American society. I’ve never expressed patriotism for the United States (which is not to say I wish her or her people any kind of harm).

In a few years, I may no longer be living in the United States, but I’ll still be Chinese. When I talked about being willing to achieve things out of the name of patriotism, I’m patriotic Chinese… I do things for China, my home country.

Are you equally concerned about what mr_boogie is doing for Taiwan? If not, why are you focusing on me in this discussion? I wonder.

my posts are evoluted, not convoluted. you should do good where you are. how could you live so long among americans, and yet sound so separate from them? sort of like my mom- you must have come during or after puberty. did you have something bursting from one of your orifices at the time? (sorry, couldn’t resist being a little eww). you know, i do learn things from my posts with you- usually by learning what i am not- through contrast. but i’m feeling the urge to be inspired and encouraged and right now that’s not what i’m feeling. i’m doing everything you are doing (not on the same scale monetarily), but i want to do more to ‘pay it forward’. you are at peace with where you are, so this particular discussion is at a dead end.

tang - “the drink of astonauts”
vote on who’s the zealot
noun: a fervent and even militant proponent of something.

“I have a political position and perspective, of which I
am obviously unafraid and unashamed.”

ah, the Nuremburg defecnce

“What are you trying to hide with your child-like games?”

trust me, tirade is not a justification for

if you want to play dueling banjos with English,
come at me!!!

twalddlee, twadldlldoo!!!

"I speak in the clearest English that I can manage,
with no interest in distraction. "

if you walk like a duck and talk like a duck -
you’re a duck

"The constant reliance on obscure prose …
you’re ‘hoist by your own petard’

“In case you missed the reference to NewSpeak
and goodthink from my previous message,
your behavior fits very well with the true message of Orwell’s 1984.
The lessons of Orwell’s writings apply just as fully to English-speaking
, so-called defenders of “democracy” as it does to the foreign
Communist boogeyman.”

you dim twit -
my intention is to clear up the language from ‘New speak’

“Communist boogeyman.”
now there’s an understatment!

“Communist boogeyman.”

let’s make that oxymoron,
shall we.

各位网络朋友们,虽然我的中文有毛病,我 还是想进去中文部落格的世界。您们能介绍我可以参加的网络日记吗?谢谢!PS I found the inspiration and encouragement I was looking for: … bam_11.php

Ask yourself this question, v: why are you asking this question of me?

Why aren’t you asking the other posters on here who’ve lived in Taiwan for decades, and yet still sound so separate from the Taiwanese? I have lived “so long among Americans”, that at least I have the courtesy of learning your language and speaking it fluently. How about the other Forumosans here? How many have made the same effort to “become Taiwanese”, that you think I should invest in being American? What about Michael Turton, for example?

The Chinese word for blog is 博客。 Do a search on Google, and you’ll find infinite number of possible hosting options.