Not many westerners or foreign teachers here at all

Foreigners by country in 2018英文版-16現持有效居留證-在臺-外僑統計-按國籍及區域分.xlsx

10years? Oh well, facts screw up many a good argument.

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Well, there are actually a lot of foreigners here, they just blend in or hide. For example probably the highest percent of foreigners from foreign countries, are from china. Due to both race and language, they just tend to blend in easier on the street. There are also a lot of said expats from china that have naturalized and became citizens. Same with vietnamese, indonesia ns etc. Quite a few, so the gene pool is rich, but might not show up on paper due to citizenship. Westerners just tend to be less inclined to give up their citizenship due to Taiwans oppressive double standard on the issue.

I assumed thats why the referrendum before trying to legalize gay marriage included cousin breeding. One reason was to stop gay marriage passing (haha, they lost next round!). The other is that we have an influx of imported germplasm for the country so if it does pass, it should still be alright in the long term, genetically speaking. Taiwan has already upped its game in dentistry and cosmetic surgery :wink:

Edit. Damn didnt read above. I always read what gets suggested and start top down. Didnt notice the date. Anyway, still good fun

Fuck me…addula…that guy wrote addula meaning what? Adoga? That’s some shocking romanization even for 台語.


It could be Abdulla. Does anyone know who he is?


Was a different time, man

Apparently these fellas are all over Taiwan.

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There’s a very low percentage of foreigners in Taiwan , even including all the Chinese and SEA. Just a few per cent. Hardly any Chinese have been immigrating over the last few years at least compared to 20 years ago . You’d meet way more Chinese almost anywhere else ironically.

Well i think comparing chinese is a poor example as they have very aggressively been pyrposely, via government, infiltrating everywhere. Even moreso than a couple decades ago.

I do agree fully that taiwan is.t that welcomingto gforeigners, so dont misread my.intentions. however due to the forwigb bride scenario and becoming taiwanese citizena while renouncing their cittizenship, the genepool of taiwan is far more diverse than it seema on paper.

Again, i agree taiwan currently is still shit on wlcoming forwigners to stay and immigrate. Absolutely. But there are a lot more than a couple precent here, and they have all had children crom locals. So from a geebtic diversity standpoint i feel it is vetter now than 30 years ago. From a human rights and workers rights standpoint, taiwan is still shit. And crom a fuckyou CCP standpoint i still will insert the jab that foreigners from china are numerous. Just to.piss them off as they are from a different country.

Taiwan is no europe, canada, usa, australia, japan etc. But its not the bottom of the barrel either. No sense comparing countries, the currwnt government has taken BABY steps towards a better direction. When beijing comes, genocide and eugenics will undo it all anyway, so its a mute point unless the people here now work and.fight for freedom.