Nov 2005 Bug Reports

[color=green]Please report problems using the forums in this thread[/color]

  1. Session ID problem - [color=green]fixed[/color]
  2. Ad rotations haven’t kicked in yet

The links in the “Life” section in the site map at the bottom of the page have the url rather than

Thank you, I got it

I have to remember to re-direct and :blush:
And the 24 hour posting link doesn’t seem to be working properly :frowning:

And our member numbers look low - looks like we lost a lot along the way! :astonished:


I cannot access the Forumosa Friends site. I guess that’s an affiliate site, but just letting you know anyway.

[quote=“Goose Egg”]And our member numbers look low - looks like we lost a lot along the way! :astonished:[/quote]Anyone with less than one post.

anything starting with is ok. The 24 hours link does work if you insert the “www.”

I can’t find the “Free beer” button

I have been missing the profile link for a while know. Any idea where that one went? Q&A says:

So how do I get to my profile?

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”][quote=“Goose Egg”]And our member numbers look low - looks like we lost a lot along the way! :astonished:[/quote]Anyone with less than one post.

anything starting with is ok. The 24 hours link does work if you insert the “www.”

This may be fixed. I just logged in using the URL okay.

The site appears, to me at least, to be running quicker and smoother.
Hope all continues as well.

Is this where I post that Sandman bugs me? I just can’t make out what he’s saying half the time.

Sandman has bugs !!?? :astonished:

I shall alert the media !

[quote=“ratlung”]I have been missing the profile link for a while know. Any idea where that one went? Q&A says:

So how do I get to my profile?[/quote]
In the Site map click either “Your Account” or “ Profile”, on the front page click “Click here to add your greeting”

[quote=“Yellow Cartman”][quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”][quote=“Goose Egg”]And our member numbers look low - looks like we lost a lot along the way! :astonished:[/quote]Anyone with less than one post.

anything starting with is ok. The 24 hours link does work if you insert the “www.”

This may be fixed. I just logged in using the URL okay.[/quote]
Still doesn’t work well for me - it only shows a small number of posts, but when I click on NEW, I see a whole lot more (for a much smaller period of time)

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]The site appears, to me at least, to be running quicker and smoother.
Hope all continues as well.[/quote]
Glad to hear it - Thursday and Friday should be the real test for speed. Let us know how the site runs during those days

All Temporary Forumosafieds get an error message on the forum overview such as:

Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/share/phpbb2/site/tags/tagline99.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 402

Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/share/phpbb2/site/dave/pots99.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 403

Using Firefox.

[quote=“Shiner”]All Temporary Forumosafieds get an error message on the forum overview such as:

Using Firefox.[/quote]
Yes, there are missing files. I’m hoping to remove these temporary forums soon with the relaunch of the Forumosafieds anyway

Editted: Please place the Your Account at the top right corner. Easier to find when updating passwords and such. Thanks.

“new posts” isn’t working - goes back to the page that was up all weekend while was down.

When I logged in this morning to see “new post”, it came back with “no posts meet your search criteria”…which suprises me in that I doubt the cyberjunkies went a whole day without posting anything.

[quote=“Goose Egg”][quote=“TainanCowboy”]The site appears, to me at least, to be running quicker and smoother.

Hope all continues as well.[/quote]
Glad to hear it - Thursday and Friday should be the real test for speed. Let us know how the site runs during those days[/quote]

It is heaps faster. Good bug to have.