Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

In Taiwan, go down to the wholesale meat market at 2am in most cities in Taiwan and that Indonesian market looks like a sterile clean hospital room.

Then transportation, management and control getting it back to the local retail shop and preparation is terrible. They throw it on the floor of a scooter or the back of the truck and then dump it on the floor.

I have pictures even just this week at a wholesale Market in a major city in the middle of the night of huge chunks of meat carcasses and animal parts all laying on the ground in the street and trucks and scooters and animals all walking past. and it’s the same stuff that goes to the local shops. Then they may throw half of the animal into the back of a blue truck and carry it down the street where they cut up into smaller pieces it’s just disgusting.

No climate control or hygienic management at all.

And it’s not just one shop, it’s all of them.

And there are frogs and live chickens, although not as much as there used to be. I never seen dog, but they regularly bust a dog meat factory in South Taiwan.

I’ve seen it and still seeing it. This is why I regularly avoid any kind of small to medium meat serving shop or beef noodle shop or whatever.

Beef in that yummy beef noodle soup was sometime during the last 24 hours in the back of blue truck and laying outside somewhere in an unhygienic controlled environment.

Taipei, I remember one night driving by the wholesale meat market in Taipei a few years ago and must have been 40 or 50 meat carcasses just all piled of on top of each other on the ground in the parking lot.

This is where the meat that you eat is coming from folks.

I have pictures that would make people vomit and make people stop eating meat in Taiwan. I’ve avoided putting them up on Formosa because they’re really disgusting.

Here’s just few basic snap in a wholesale with everything running by.