Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

Good thing he’s moved out of China! :smiley:

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Leaving from Shanghai in march

Oh Ok didn’t know that (haven’t watched his videos for a while). Good for him then!

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This would be so utterly perfect if it turns out to be true, Sweet Revenge

But, if found to be accurate would most likely lead to killing all the “evil” animals that caused this and further to the extinction of this awesome little critter.

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Yes that will be inconvenient .

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yup either way they just can’t leave them alone. :rage:

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Which one?


What’s the airline?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cruises and coronoavirus

I’m not sure.

I’d probably go with the fish over the chicken head, fwiw.


I stick with a strict beef/pork over chicken over fish hierarchy.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cruises and coronoavirus

But it’s spicy fish spicy :fish: :hot_pepper:

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IF Hong Kong and Singapore become places where flights are banned by most countries we can see the fall of Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines (well certainly Cathay as its privately held while SQ is govt).

You know, I’ve thought about wondering aloud if it could spread in the pipes, and now we have this in HK:

“As the pipeline that transfers feces is connected to the air pipe, it is very likely for the virus in the feces to be transmitted through the air fan into the toilet,” Professor Yuen said.”


Idk how CNN’s site works, I guess it’s all in a list. Was trying to link to the article

“A Hong Kong apartment building was partially evacuated due to possibility virus was transmitted through pipes”

I remember the shared air ducts being an issue in Hong Kong during the SARS outbreak too.

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Was that your decision? UK has no travel ban on Taiwan.