Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

Are those sweet huge sweet potatoes?


Doesn’t look like fun reminding yourself of this stuff.

This is my second time around in a pandemic so it’s more of a massive pain in the arse than anything else at this time. Plus last time our company was making a fortune selling all the medical stuff.


I think with cell phone location tracking? They can tell who was in those locations within that timeframe. Ahem, that would include me, which is why I got the message.

That’s my guess, anyway. I didn’t go to a doctor, but I did check my temperature… I started to get a mild fever by Wednesday, but it went down after taking antibiotics for an infected cyst.
I have concluded that if antibiotics brought down my fever, then the fever wasn’t from a virus. Yay?!


Really wanted McDonalds for breakfast yesterday. Went in, was a bit uncomfortable with the lack of people, though there were some. Ordered anyway, paid, went to wash my hands with soap and water, singing happy birthday song out loud, dreaming of a Taiwanese person coming in to the bathroom wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Took me a bit of time figuring out how to open the door with my foot (thankful their hand pull went almost to the floor. I used a sort of toe flip.)
Came out not touching anything only to need to get my tray of food. Used the wrappings and made sure my hands didn’t touch my food as I ate.

Point of this post: I was sitting near the door where an alcohol spray station was located. For some unknown reason, no one used the spray on the way in (nor did they wash their hands), but parents kept making their kids come over and use it on the way out??? One mother even asked her son if he wanted to wash his hands instead, touched the dispenser everywhere, determined it was empty, then figured out how to operate it and got some alcohol spray on her hands.
I want to know what the virus count is on the valve of the alcohol dispensers. My guess is it’s probably a case of “your toilet bowl is cleaner”.


Our office building does this too… but they spray it with disinfectant and wipe it down every hour.

Why not skip the Saran Wrap waste and just disinfect the buttons?


Beats me…


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1 hr 38 min ago

Japan records 8 news coronavirus cases on Friday

From CNN’s Yoko Wakatsuki

A bus next to the Diamond Princess cruise ship, docked under quarantine in Yokohama, Japan, on February 14, 2020.

A bus next to the Diamond Princess cruise ship, docked under quarantine in Yokohama, Japan, on February 14, 2020. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images

Japan announced a total of eight new coronavirus cases on Friday, that are not from the Diamond Princess ship docked under quarantine in Yokohama Bay.

The eighth case is a male Yokohama city officer in his 30s, who helped an infected patient from the Diamond Princess on February 10. He was wearing protective gear and goggles. The health ministry is looking into how he contract the virus.

It brings the total number of cases in Japan to 258, of which 219 are from the Diamond Princess. One patient has died in Japan so far.


That’s what they were always doing before…so I really have no idea what they’re thinking. Now that they put up the saran wrap I don’t think they’ve been cleaning it anymore…

“Even the Taipei Times calls them ‘Chinese kids’ in the headline.”…well I mean if they are born and raised in China and are Chinese (PRC) citizens calling them Chinese kids seems right.


Cry more. :roll:

The comments on Facebook are fun to read at least

It’s like all the parents I know who never tell their kids to wash their hands ever but make them wear a mask as soon as one of their classmates gets sick.

I know telling people that their cleanliness habits (or lack thereof) can come off as condescending and even a bit colonialist/nationalist (“my country is superior so you should do what we do”) but someone needs to force the entire population of this country to take classes on how germs spread and what works/doesn’t.
Anyone caught doing things that even the TW CDC says are ineffective should be fined.


Right. Let’s become more like China.

I say that a little tongue-in-cheek, considering our neighbor to the West.

But really. A mass “wash your hands and stop wearing worthless masks” campaign would go a loonnggg way.

(And of course we need to teach people about disinfectants and how those work)

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Apparently first they need a campaign to show people why there is no such thing as a worthless mask.

That may be the most frightening bit of news/gossip I’ve read.

Had I not cancelled my one week trip to HK (starting 2/3), I would be in self-quarantine and taking it very seriously. Knowing that infection to detection MAY be as long as three weeks, I would be calling in a lot of favours for food and supply deliveries. One possible benefit of teaching uni students (3/2 開學), but how many returning international or holidaying students will ignore the self-quarantine.

***OR ***

Blatant racism, perhaps. Preferential treatment based on race/blood, YES! Beggars the question of how slack the standards are for TW citizens…

As a slob, generally speaking, I’m sure I would have touched my face dangerously at some point. Even though I have 30+ FFP3 (N99) masks.

All it takes is one more asymptomatic transmission case to spoil a good week here.

tl;dr: Outside of China, the trend seems to be less bleak, but time, and only time, will tell.