Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

Well, that’s one way to stop illegal exports.


I was jussssssst gonna say. Today I was out and about in Denpasar and I had that “I see dead people” feeling. :confounded:

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  1. Re-posts of news and images posted 1000+ msgs before because nobody goes back and reads all that drivel.

Case in point:


Woman speaks out on on Wuhan and CCP injustice. Freedom to Taiwan and HK! She will disappear soon.

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Sorry, I didn’t know the repost police were on the case. :roll_eyes: First time I saw it, and it wasn’t from this thread.

I got this. Some news just in:


True, but this classic should get a pass!

By the way, anyone else try ordering any? Their Mandarin website, last I checked, didn’t have online purchasing option. Probably a wholesale outfit. Interestingly, switched to their English/international site and … not a trace of these gems.

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How reliable is this news source?
They are reporting there is a high chance the virus was made by the government.

No red flags, anyway, assuming it’s the South Korean Arirang and not some odd North Korean outfit. But I’m guessing an English-language Korean news organization isn’t going to have a deep reporting team.

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I think you should pass that to @Icon she may not be aware of it
:mask: :upside_down_face: :mask:

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The is very little speculation made by government. It is very likely however a disease escaped from a lab full of diseased bats.


I don’t think it’ll get this bad here, but this definitely makes me uneasy…


@owleyes the minister of health explained today how they found this patient, even though he had been on medical treatment since February 3rd. On February 13, there were news on this case in Japan, The 80 year old woman, a case that slipped through the cracks and was not identified as COVID19 because she did not fit the profile. In view of this case, the MOHW decided to test all pneumonia cases here in Taiwan…And bingo.

BTW we now have a cluster: 2 more people related to the taxi driver.

And the taxi driver might have gotten it from a Taishen who came from Zhejiang with a cough…before that place was singled as a contagion area/banned flights.


We already had the first doomsayer prophet predicting half Taiwan will die. So it could be worse.

Yep Arirang has good info on this topic. I recommended it a while ago.

As to the theory, yep, there is a study revealing the research made in Wuhan was closely related to the virus we suffer from now. And the research center and the market are 200 meters apart.

Or pull in all the paper money so you can make the citizenry beholden to your electronic access to bank accounts. “You want to protest the government? Good luck trying to buy rice!”

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We just have to accept it will now always be part of the seasonal flu and get over it.

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Great idea. Will make my Bitcoin that much more valuable. I’m all for it.

Talking about business, it is really bad for taxi drivers these days. Especially at the airport.

Taichung government is giving free disinfectant baths to taxis. Hopes to restore customer trust and ensure safety.