Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

I apologise.

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He is a part of the super rich elite in Beijing. He owns restaurant chains in China, including Southern Beauty that had a branch in ATT4Fun for while.

Similar levels of incompetence?

Sure, I just didn’t know he was a CCP party guy, he might be for all I know, or maybe he isn’t.

Much improved with the mask on.

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Yet when China bullies us on the international stage and blocks us from participating in the WHO, where are they? Why don’t the protest China’s treatment of us?

Fucking losers!


Well on a positive note Japan and the Phillipines sent half a gazillion facemasks :joy: :mask:



If the new virus has actually been spreading since November like these reports say…hmm. I had one hell of a cold around early to mid December. Was dry coughing for weeks. It’s enough to make one wonder…


We did the same thing but used salt licks and sorghum. The alfalfa was for the horses.

The does would even come into the back yard to the salt block, but only the young bucks would.

I haven’t been back to hunt for over a decade, but then we could take one doe and one buck during bow season and another buck during muzzle loader season. Good population, probably cause lots of woods and lots of corn.

Thanksgiving we always went to West Virginia for rifle season. We ate a lot of venison and made lots of deer bratwurst and jerky.

My kids don’t show any interest in hunting, but they do enjoy shooting. I wish we were allowed to hunt here.

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No, that’s not unique to them. Could be the overly calculating nature plus the ability to say whatever they think is safe and appropriate at a given time, just to completely flip on that without missing a beat if they feel the wind changes just a bit. Lack of convictions, I guess?

Plus, similar hairstyles.

Well that’s just batty to begin with.


Those utterly useless tissues with elastic bands?

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So Hong Kong closed borders with China today. Useless, the virus must be there already heavily handed.

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My company has made masks mandatory.

Batsoup crazy?

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I think we should consider pros & cons of a Forum tour to Wuhan right now:

a) Hotel discounts
b) Enjoy delicious local food
c) Guaranteed fame due to an article by the K-Man on Taiwan News

a) Probable death

Maybe there should be a poll.


Vegetable English Korean Fish bloodbath kind of result?

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Maybe he visited Kitum Cave.

But they’re marketed as “wings” tho…

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Ha! You’re right. I wasn’t sure the percentage of male readers on the forum and was worried wings would go over their heads.