Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

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Now I wish I had a dog…


I should have added some detail. Of course, everyone should take the upmost efforts to prevent contagion. Leaving the house is bad.

Curry is not the cure.

You big shots of the curry cartel have been #exposed.

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Weirdly there have been an Internet rumor from Wuhan that all users in a Wuhan-based cat owners forum are free from the virus. They are speculating that living with cats somehow gave them immunity. This immediately triggered a cat shortage in Wuhan, as people rushed to get themselves a cat.

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) is one of the top 3 dealy diseases for cats. The others are feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and Feline panleukopenia (FPLV).

If the rumor is true, I wonder if that has something to do with cat owners gaining immunity to coronavirus.

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One case confirmed in Filipinas.

Does this involve petting the cats, or eating them? :thinking:


Half the soap dispensers I see are always empty. Even when there is soap I see people walk out from taking a dump and just splash a little water on their hand and then proceed to flick it sideways and hitting everyone else with their dirty water (seriously wtf is it with this where so many people here flick their hands sideways and spread water everywhere instead of flicking it into the sink, bathrooms are so wet all the time with all the water going everywhere but the sink).

The soap dispensers that still have soap in them probably haven’t been refilled in a while too, some of them I think I’m the only person that has touched it in years.


But yet, all the facemasks are sold out, despite NOT washing your hands being much worse.

Everyone’s scared of the virus, yet they don’t actually take proven precautionary measures.

You can still breathe in viral matter through a facemask by simply having air route around it. With my big nose, that’s a certainty. You can still get viruses through your eyes. At least the nose has snot(Hopefully not blue snot) to weaken and stop some viral matter.

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Probably has something to do with the kisses my cats give me everyday.


Please tell me there’s no tongue-on-tongue action.


I returned to my desk to see a pile of masks left for me.


man in some Taiwanese houses I had to use shampo for wash my hand, because they don’t use hand wash. wft


Plenty of tongue action from one side but not the other.


Presumably though, your lungs are exposed to much larger volume of air than you eyes so should be of bigger concern.

Some study claiming 6-fold reduction to virus exposure with surgical masks so better than nothing:

"This study focussed on the effectiveness of surgical masks against a range of airborne particles. Using separate tests to measure levels of inert particles and live aerosolised influenza virus, our findings show that surgical masks provide around a 6-fold reduction in exposure. Live viruses could be detected in the air behind all surgical masks tested. By contrast, properly fitted respirators could provide at least a 100-fold reduction. "


Dude, stop licking your cats!


I went out to buy masks last night to avoid any issues getting into buildings. I know these silly masks don’t help me from a health perspective but it does help me get into the building. :slight_smile:


He should try this crybaby shit back home and see how fast Winnie the Pooh’s goons toss him into a re-education camp!


Dammit I just know there’s a pussy magnet joke in here somewhere

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Trudeau joining Abe to urge WHO not to exclude Taiwan.

