[quote=“TainanCowboy”]How many children, parents and grand parents were murdered in the Lockerbie Bombing?
It was not Libya.
Even Thatcher said it wasn’t them.
Here are some extracts from a piece by William Blum ex US state department and author of the excellent Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II.
[quote]The key charge against Megrahi – the sine qua non – was that he placed explosives in a suitcase and tagged it so it would lead the following charmed life:
1)loaded aboard an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt without an accompanying passenger;
2)transferred in Frankfurt to the PanAm 103A flight to London without an accompanying passenger;
3)transferred in London to the PanAm 103 flight to New York without an accompanying passenger.
In April 1989, the FBI – in response to criticism that it was bungling the investigation – leaked to CBS the news that it
had tentatively identified the person who unwittingly carried the bomb aboard. His name was Khalid Jaafar, a 21-year-old Lebanese- American. The report said that the bomb had been planted in Jaafar’s suitcase by a member of the PFLP-GC, whose name was not revealed.{12}
In May, the State Department stated that the CIA was “confident” of the Iran-Syria-PFLP-GC account of events.{13}
On Sept. 20, The Times of London reported that “security officials from Britain, the United States and West Germany are ‘totally satisfied’ that it was the PFLP-GC” behind the crime.
In December 1989, Scottish investigators announced that they had “hard evidence” of the involvement of the PFLP-GC in the bombing.{14}
A National Security Agency electronic intercept disclosed that Ali Akbar Mohtashemi, Iranian interior minister, had paid Palestinian terrorists $10 million dollars to gain revenge for the downed Iranian airplane.(15)
The intercept appears to have occurred in July 1988, shortly after the downing of the Iranian plane.
Israeli intelligence also intercepted a communication between Mohtashemi and the Iranian embassy in Beirut “indicating that Iran paid for the Lockerbie bombing.” {16}
Even after the Libyans had been indicted, Israeli officials declared that their intelligence analysts remained convinced that the PFLP-GC bore primary responsibility for the bombing.{17}[/quote]
The numbers are references that you can view as footnotes on the webpage