Obamas 3rd War (Part IV)... It's Over

NATO has made a devastating strike. Moamar has lost another child to foreign bombing. The last time this happened he reined in both his rhetoric and his blatant terrorist support and hostilities. Although he did continue his covet actions and support.

How will he act this time?

Reagans’ Libya bombing was in retaliation for German nightclub bombing that killed US serviceman.
From WikiWacki:
Berlin Disco Bombing

How many children, parents and grand parents were murdered in the Lockerbie Bombing?

Sorry if you have sympathy for Quadaffi and his murderous antics. To even attempt to equate President Reagan with him is a sign of mental sickness.

Some people think NATO’s strategy of bombing Gaddafi’s family members is a mistake that could back-fire…

Sorry if you have sympathy for Quadaffi and his murderous antics. To even attempt to equate President Reagan with him is a sign of mental sickness.[/quote]
Let me try again.

See Reagan. See Reagan scold.
Look, look! Reagan bombs. See Qaddaffi’s daughter die.

See Obama. See Obama scold.
Look, look! Obama bombs. See Qaddaffi’s son and three grandchildren die.

Obama’s killed more family members than Reagan.

Clear now?

Libya launches revenge attacks on British targets after Gaddafi ‘assassination’ attempt… The British embassy in Tripoli was set alight and other Western buildings targeted following an attack that killed members of the Libyan dictator’s family… Italy, the former colonial power, also reported that its embassy had been damaged… The United Nations also said that it was withdrawing a small team of humanitarian staff from the Libyan capital because of fears for their safety.

Rebels retreat after failed attempt to take Surt… The road out of Bin Jawwad looked like rush hour as the rebels retreated after taking a pounding from Gaddafi forces… With no air cover from NATO, the rebels faced the enemy completely on their own and once again were outgunned and overmatched.

This isn’t looking so good… In and out… easy peasy…? :eh:

Meanwhile, the rebels seem to be running out of money.

And things aren’t looking so great in Misrata, either. Reports are in that an international aid ship helping to evacuate people from the besieged Libyan port has come under rocket attack from government forces.

Where’s NATO? The rebels are joking that the French Pres. is busy on the toilet! :doh:

And over in Syria, which of course is ruled by a reformist regime, Syrian army units backed by tanks have tightened the siege of two defiant urban centers, in a sign that President Bashar al-Assad is widening the use of the military to crush demonstrations against his autocratic rule… :s

Well, we got OBL! :discodance:

[quote=“Tigerman”]And over in Syria, which of course is ruled by a reformist regime[/quote] and you’re still misrepresenting the truth… the regime isn’t reformist. The son tried to at the start, but failed. you sound disingenuous at this point.

Oh, come on, Jack. Assad isn’t any more of a reformist than is Gaddafi. I think we can put the myth that Assad tried to reform to bed, now. Don’tcha think?

The violent turn of events in Syria now has people wondering not only what might happen next but also what went wrong with outside assessments of Bashar al-Assad as a leader.

Oh, come on, Jack. Assad isn’t any more of a reformist than is Gaddafi. I think we can put the myth that Assad tried to reform to bed, now. Don’tcha think?

The violent turn of events in Syria now has people wondering not only what might happen next but also what went wrong with outside assessments of Bashar al-Assad as a leader.[/quote]

actually, i was just taking a piss at your taking a piss that somebody believes the Syrian regime could actually be reformist. (though Assad did try, it’s well-known, but he came up against too much resistance from the clan, status quo peeps).

Nearly 40,000 Libyans have fled the country’s western mountainous region in the past month as pro-Gaddafi and opposition forces have fought for control of the border crossing point, according to the U.N.

Thought this was supposed to be an easy one. In and out… Gaddafi just needed a little push and he’d be gone?

The “tempo” of the NATO military operation in Libya needs to be increased, Foreign Secretary William Hague says.

You would think that people would learn from history. That’s what it’s for.

Meanwhile, in Syria…

Military units were reported to be deploying elsewhere on Thursday, including around the coastal town of Baniyas… Four armoured personnel carriers, several tanks and a bus carrying soldiers were seen… “It looks like they are preparing to attack the town, like they did in Deraa,” one activist from the town stated… Over the past two days there has also been an increased military presence in the coastal towns of Homs and Rastan. Troops have also gathered in the Damascus suburbs of Erbin, Saqba, Douma and in the town of Tel… The Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies says snipers and anti-aircraft machine guns were used to fire on unarmed civilians in the southern city and recent amateur video shows dozens of unarmed protesters being shot and bleeding to death on the streets.

But, not to worry!

[quote=“US State Department spokesman, Mark Toner,”]
…the US continues to press Assad’s regime to desist in its violent behavior… We abhor the violence there… I think I called it barbaric, the measures that were taken the other day against the citizens of Deraa, and we urge Syria to end these kinds of actions against innocent civilians who are simply expressing their aspirations for a democratic future…

We abhor the violence! We call it barbaric, we think… :no-no:

At least 13 more people have been killed in anti-government protests in Syrian cities on Friday, human rights activists say.

And the beat goes on…

In the old days, you had your bomb-throwing anarchist:

But these days, you got your bomb-dropping altruist:

And that’s what they call progress.

Gotta prepare.
As when one gets back, it ain’t there.
Adjust them shoulder straps,
let down that sight.
As you well know,
they’ll mock the fight.

Pogue Mahone!

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]How many children, parents and grand parents were murdered in the Lockerbie Bombing?

It was not Libya.

Even Thatcher said it wasn’t them.

Here are some extracts from a piece by William Blum ex US state department and author of the excellent Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II.

[quote]The key charge against Megrahi – the sine qua non – was that he placed explosives in a suitcase and tagged it so it would lead the following charmed life:
1)loaded aboard an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt without an accompanying passenger;
2)transferred in Frankfurt to the PanAm 103A flight to London without an accompanying passenger;
3)transferred in London to the PanAm 103 flight to New York without an accompanying passenger.

In April 1989, the FBI – in response to criticism that it was bungling the investigation – leaked to CBS the news that it
had tentatively identified the person who unwittingly carried the bomb aboard. His name was Khalid Jaafar, a 21-year-old Lebanese- American. The report said that the bomb had been planted in Jaafar’s suitcase by a member of the PFLP-GC, whose name was not revealed.{12}

In May, the State Department stated that the CIA was “confident” of the Iran-Syria-PFLP-GC account of events.{13}

On Sept. 20, The Times of London reported that “security officials from Britain, the United States and West Germany are ‘totally satisfied’ that it was the PFLP-GC” behind the crime.
In December 1989, Scottish investigators announced that they had “hard evidence” of the involvement of the PFLP-GC in the bombing.{14}

A National Security Agency electronic intercept disclosed that Ali Akbar Mohtashemi, Iranian interior minister, had paid Palestinian terrorists $10 million dollars to gain revenge for the downed Iranian airplane.(15)

The intercept appears to have occurred in July 1988, shortly after the downing of the Iranian plane.
Israeli intelligence also intercepted a communication between Mohtashemi and the Iranian embassy in Beirut “indicating that Iran paid for the Lockerbie bombing.” {16}

Even after the Libyans had been indicted, Israeli officials declared that their intelligence analysts remained convinced that the PFLP-GC bore primary responsibility for the bombing.{17}[/quote]

The numbers are references that you can view as footnotes on the webpage

In the news today…

…up to 30 people have been killed in Syria where thousands have taken to the streets for another day of anti-government rallies, dubbed a “day of defiance”… :frowning:

The UN bravely denounced the Syrian regime’s continuing brutality and slaughter:

In an emergency session on Friday, the UN’s top human rights body voted to condemn Syria for using deadly force against protesters and launched an investigation into the situation… :s

Commenting on the significance of the UN condemnation…

[quote=“Susan Rice, US ambassador to the UN”]With today’s vote, the Council has stood against attempts to silence dissent with the use of gratuitous violence, which is not the act of a responsible government…[/quote] :ohreally: She keeps referring to the Syrian regime’s slaughter of civilians as “gratuitous violence”, like they’re just bullying a few people… :loco:

Not to be outdone by the UN’s strong and brave stand, EU diplomats agreed to impose sanctions on 13 top Syrian officials, but not on President Bashar al-Assad

I guess Assad gets a waiver because he’s a reformer, according to Hillary Clinton. :ohreally:

Finally, jumping aboard the denounce the Syrian regime bandwagon, Obomber’s administration issued a stern warning to the Syrian regime, stating that absent significant change in the Syrian regime’s current approach, including an end to the government’s killing of protesters … the US and its international partners will take additional steps to make clear our strong opposition to the Syrian government’s slaughter of its people… :snooty:

I’m pretty certain that with the UN, EU and US all issuing stern condemnations, the Syrian regime will immediately cease slaughtering Syrian civilians in the street and mend its ways. :ponder: :bs:

Dudes! I can’t believe none of you are paying any attention to the situation in Libya… :ponder:

Remember, the situation there was so important that the UN came out and issued a resolution authorizing a no-fly zone and measures necessary to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe… Remember, the situation was so dire that even the Arab League agreed to bombing Gaddafi before they condemned the bombing of Gaddafi?

This was supposed to be easy… in and out… wham bam thank you m’am!

But… Gaddafi is still in Libya. Thousands are dead and many more thousands are being made refugees, spilling over the borders into Tunisia and Egypt, both of which are trying to manage their own uprisings and transitions…

Now, even the New York Times, usually a lefty cheerleader, is getting critical of the way the situation in Libya is being handled:

NATO needs to start waging a [b][color=#FF0000]
