Objectivity and bias in media

I guess that’s why I think you’re kind of a dick. Can’t let simple things go when ya just could.

For what it’s worth, yeah, I think I get the ellipses from fiction, particularly older scifi. People like Delany and CJ Cherryh use them a lot for stream-of-consciousness type writing, and that’s pretty much what most of my posts are. I use dashes for short interjections.

I’ve read Strunk & White and I’m a fan, but I don’t remember them having much to say on this subject.


4 percent of the USA population, black males aged 14-40, are 55.9 percent of murders in USA. FBI statistics


Defund the police… :sweat_smile:


No nerve. I was in a pissy mood. Just defending the perimeter. Feel free to check me on my punctuation. It’s important to me. I value your input. :nerd_face:

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I typo a lot, just didn’t like the prescriptive approach when it wasn’t necessary. You know i respect your contributions , despite the occasional disagreement :slightly_smiling_face:

Due entirely to systemic racism! :whistle:

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They should elect fewer democrats. Worth a shot.

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Can’t indicate the race of the perpetrator as it would probably be considered racist to do so.

It’s that whole can of worms that black guys can’t be racist.

It would not be racist if perp is white.

NYT, Washington Post only shows photos if perp is white

And the white male in advertising seems to be heading towards extinction

except if a person is doing something wrong at the beginning of the ad, the wrongdoer is a white male and a black or female will right the situation.

In China, they use a white as example of a person doing things wrong and then a Chinese shows up to point the right way to do

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We can now use that 35 bucks we save on gas per month to buy a dozen bone-in chicken wings.

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The proper title of this article should have been…

“Black Wendy’s Employee Sucker Punches Elderly White Customer In Unprovoked Attack”

But, to say so goes against the current narrative and would probably be considered racist. However, it it had been the other way round, the races would have been trumpeted to great fanfare, probably be labeled a hate crime with continued accusations of America’s systemic racism problem. I looked at 10 separate news reports on this incident and not one mentioned the race of the perpetrator or victim.

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On the other hand, there doesn’t seem to be any indication (yet) that the attack was racially motivated.

Doesn’t matter. I can probably pull 10 recent articles where an attack isn’t proven as racially motivated, but always screams “White did such and such to a Black”. It’s annoyingly obvious.

But when a Black beats the shit out of an old Asian man or woman…crickets.

Yes, the bias is obvious. It shouldn’t be done no matter what the race, unless there’s evidence of racial motivation.

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Exactly. That’s how is SHOULD be, but it isn’t.

Here’s an example of race being no factor in the facts, but the media turns it into a racist issue. Total horse shit.


And here’s a very recent one. It’s the never ending cycle of media race baiting when it fits the narrative and ignoring and omission when it doesn’t.

Call out the races and ethnic participants in all conflicts or never at all. Unless of course someone is screaming in a racist way.

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