Objectivity and bias in media

The customer has died.

Fake News: The family booked a party for 250, agreed not to promote the party on social media, but did it anyway and then 500 people showed up. Party was cancelled due to safety issues related to the number of people who arrived versus the agreed upon number of participants.

500 people show up, someone dies while drowning, because too many bodies in the pool; water park gets sued for negligence; lose-lose situation

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During a press conference Monday, SFPD investigators identified the suspects as 18-year-old Oakland resident Darryl Moore, and three juveniles - ages 11, 13 and 14.

Just don’t mention the race of the perpetrators…just don’t.

Tell us how you really feel, Alex… :sweat_smile:

He aint wrong no matter how hard it is to listen to him.

Hard? He’s frikkin hilarious. :joy:

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Speak of the devil…


Is this normal for Alex Jones? That was…something. “Their drunk on our children’s blood, for God’s sake.” I mean, I’d heard that he was crazy, but I didn’t realize how crazy.

Well, he’s known for his wild rants. I don’t know how “normal” it is for him as I rarely watch his content, but it’s definitely entertaining.

Some of it gets filtered and posted here. I went and looked at infowars a few weeks back when he was in the news and saw a comic there that had been posted twice on Forumosa. Just checked again and yup

Lots of the same proTrump, antivax, WEF conspiracy stuff. Being kinda vindicated once makes the conspiracy nuts cream their pants that they must be right about everything, but the crazier conspiracies are pretty nutty

In his defence, legally speaking, he’s an entertainer not a true believer. More of a tucker carlson or rachel maddow, he doesnt spread this nonsense for free it is his business model

I kind of wonder about this. His delivery is so over the top that it’s hard not to think it’s just an act, but maybe he believes most (or all) of the stuff he rants about. There’s no denying he’s made a lot of money off of it.

I’m just going based on what his lawyers said a while back

But some people really buy into what he started, sometimes literally!

Kinda like LRon Hubbard or the Chariot of the Gods guy, there’s one born every minute. Wake up sheeple!

I don’t think there’s necessarily any direct connection between what his lawyers say and what he actually believes. He puts on quite a show though. I bet he could make even more money as a televangelist.

Not necessarily, no. Not sure if that would be perjury but who cares, right?

Yes, the problem with this entertainment is some people take it seriously and run with it. I’m sure you don’t think the TPTB and the MSM are using the WEF to enable the GREAT RESET, but some poor and impressionable souls take this stuff not as entertainment but as religion

Trump derangement at its apex.

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Is it ironic that he looks like Mel Gibson with that beard?

I agree with most of what he said about Trump. My biggest issue is that his TDS moves him to support Cheney’s play and the MSM’s conspiracy to deny the US people a fair democratic election.

His ends justify the means approach to discarding all your principles is insane.


Destroy the village to save it.

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