Objectivity and bias in media

Right, moving him to the AM? Puhlease. His first few shows where he has to be pleasant should be cringeworthy.

So is this like CNN’s answer to Fox and Friends?

A cringe-worthy Hannity segment ended up back firing.


Can’t make it up.

This has moved beyond media bias into farce territory. This could easily be a Babylon Bee headline… :sweat_smile:


I think I put that in peak woke.

I think it’s probably a fake. Seems over the top even for The Atlantic.

Arabs, the new white!

Hey, it works for Asians.

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farce is right… :roll_eyes:

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Who leaked? Ok good question.


What do you mean why? What a crazy perspective. She called a guys adopted black kid a monkey. That’s fucking why.

Oh Andy, you so butch!

Looking forward to this new nightly news program.

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Good news. I enjoy watching Breaking Points, but Krystal Ball’s high whiny voice drives me up the wall.

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I watch it sometimes, but I like Rising more.

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Nice balanced look at Elon Musk’s recent buy:

What I mean is that you are now the King of Twitter, and people think that you, personally, are responsible for everything that happens on Twitter now. It also turns out that absolute monarchs usually get murdered when shit goes sideways.

The Verge is terrible these days. Even their website design has taken a turn for the worst.

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Maybe he’ll do us all a favor and kill it :slight_smile: He’s given signals it’s not going to be a free for all though. I’d expect relatively minor and sensible adjustments.

Never heard of them. I doubt I fit their target audience, being able to think and reason clearly.

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Ok, so soft terrorism is OK.

It’s a stunt, like all them fires in Portland were mostly peaceful campfires.

If Monet, da Vinci and van Gogh were alive today, they should be glad that their works are raising awareness for an important cause.
