Objectivity and bias in media

Next up, more right handed republicans than left handed dems died.

Who cares?

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Pre-debate polling showed the audience virtually split 48 to 52 percent on the question of whether to trust the mainstream media.
However, over the course of nearly two hours, Taibbi and Murray compellingly persuaded over one-third of audience members (39 percent) to abandon their prior allegiance to the position championed by Gladwell and Goldberg.

I wouldn’t want to debate Murray on anything, Taibbi is no orator. I’m familiar with Gladwell of course but not as a speaker. The debate seems to be pay-only for now, hopefully it will become available.


Yeah, he’s been appearing in mainstream media for years and tends to make points that are difficult to refute

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You catch his quote at the end of the linked video? Not too long I hope :slight_smile:

Video? I read your linked text. …

There’s a linked video in the article. To paraphrase, he says “You should read mainstream media, but don’t trust it.” :white_check_mark:

If I’m reading your comment above correctly, yes, that applies to him too, but you can criticize something and make use of it at the same time :2cents:

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Dems just want to prove their ideology is like some kind of Master Ideology that is superior to all others by using Death as a key performance indicator. They try so hard.

Hollywood :roll_eyes:

I prefer watching Bill Maher point out to RR how ignorant he is of most of stuff he blathers on about.

Was reading Taibbi’s (paywalled) report on this, it seems Gladwell adopted the tactics of trying to appear like an untrustworthy douchebag and pivoting to… can you guess? wait for it… racism! Shockingly this did not seem to inspire the kind of trust in the mainstream that Gladwell hoped for. Taibbi says we may get a transcript at least.

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From said article:

One of these theories stems from what the New York Post alleges is a photo of a subpoena issued for Biden’s laptop, bearing what appears to be the signature of an FBI agent named Joshua Wilson, the same name as an agent who has in the past investigated child pornography cases. It is not clear whether the Joshua Wilson whose signature appears to be on the subpoena is the same agent, or if there are multiple FBI agents named Joshua Wilson. But that did not stop many on the fringe message board 4chan to speculate, based on zero evidence, that Hunter Biden’s laptop contained child pornography.

And what? Speculation is against the rules of logical inference now? :laughing:

As for evidence, the FBI guy’s specialty is a known fact. Certainly enough to speculate.

This is really when RS went off the rails.


And let’s not forget this one. Jann Wenner never lets facts get in the way of a good story.

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I never really followed the rape story.

It turned out to be fake, so you saved yourself a lot of time.

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That didn’t take long:


Another nice little write up:

Once a story is deemed antithetical to left-wing agendas, there arises a collective effort to smother it. Suppression is achieved both by neglect, and by demonizing others who report an inconvenient truth as racists, conspiracist “right-wingers,” and otherwise irredeemable.

But, if it bothers you, as I was told this morning, just ignore it and don’t talk about it, because self censorship is the pinnacle of morality. Anything else is just whining.

So here’s a lefty pushback on Elon Musk. It’s palpably stupid.

Notably, the disabled accounts documented in the report were singled out for criticism by the far-right writer Andy Ngo, who Musk often publicly interacts with on Twitter. “Musk invited Ngo to report **‘**Antifa accounts’ that should be suspended directly to him,” the Intercept reported. In at least once case, Ngo seems to have succeeded at directing Musk to suspend an account that Ngo failed to get suspended by Twitter before Musk took over the company.

There have been other puzzling examples of Twitter disproportionately suspending liberal or left-leaning accounts — some of which are just as mysteriously reinstated later — for no obvious reason can be explained by Twitter’s terms of service.

Those poor antifa assholes can’t spread their truth no more? Ah, back under the bridge we go, then.

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