Ocean Blue Inn - Baishawan Beach - New Guest House

My fellow Forumosans,

I was surfing yesterday morning and I noticed a new guest house which recently opened up right on the beach at Baishawan. So, I went up to get some business cards and some contact information for our community. I met the owner, Ms. Fieana Liao, who was very nice. She’s done a very artistic job decorating her rooms in different themes. I created some animated pictures for your viewing enjoyment.

(白沙灣旁 台2線23公里處)
phone: 0921-117-982
email: oceanblue813@yahoo.com.tw
webpage: www.沐藍棧.tw/new.htm
guestbook: wretch.cc/guestbook/oceanblue813

Ocean Blue Inn
No. 1, 3rd Floor
De-Mao Village, Ba-Jia Road
Shir-Men Township
Taipei County, Taiwan

Does look nice. Horribly close to the road, though.