Offered ARC for only 8-hours/wk at cram school

You gave up your US citizenship?

Not sure what you mean exactly. But in my case the school only has 8 hours of class to fill (I guess because it’s in the middle of term). They promised more hours would become available.

No way.

@Tando Checking that reference link. Actually #12 on the list does indicate a criminal check is necessary. If so, that pretty much ends this whole thing.

Anyone have the reference on where I’d start to get a US background check?

I thought you had to give that up to become naturalized in Taiwan.

Op, do you have college degree? Did they require any educational requirements?

Yes, I have B.A.

Also, a hassle because I don’t have a copy of my degree just lying around.


Current processing time for Identity History Summary requests submitted via the mail is 12 weeks. Allow additional time for mail delivery.


I took a job once just to maintain residency (long, boring story). My pay per hour was less than 400/hr. Most of those were office/prep hours. Tax folk didn’t bat an eye as they never saw the contact, but the pay did meet a minimum monthly threshold. If the school wants you, they will report your pay at whatever is necessary to avoid themselves being scrutinized.

School ended up shafting me by over-deducting taxes and then claiming for themselves. Not the only place to do so.

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I think they said something that made me wonder if they’d do that.

That’s the chance you take on short notice.

I took the chance, learned a lot, loved the students, and just put up with the BS because I had a job (nights) that let me study my Master’s degree at the same time (and work at a kindergarten – off the books, hypothetically😏).

You’re much better off than I, as this forum is chock full of wisdom and experience.

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Well, guess what? They will probably do it. Welcome to Taiwan.

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The school can guarantee a minimum salary. If they pay the required salary there can be no problem with ARC. Hours teaching are irrelevant in that case.

Any idea what the minimum salary is?

That’s a tricky one. It used to be 47k or so, but I think it’s a bit of a grey area. @yyy could shed more light.

Would this be possible with less hours? I think i might be able to stick 2. maybe. 8 sounds like an awful lot.

Let me know how it goes.

as for your case, it is about 10k NTD per month. 115,340 NTD per year.

The minimum hourly rate is 158NTD.


Actually they don’t seem to care if you pay tax either sometimes e.g rental income .

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Off topic - deleted

you may start from searching on this forum, or using search engines like Google etc.