Olympic hockey playoffs in Taoyuan city

Saturday, February 27th

4am Taiwan time USA vs Finland
10:30am Taiwan time Canada vs Slovakia

Sunday, February 28 at 11am Taiwan time, the Bronze medal game will be played live at Feebie’s on the big screen. We’ll be serving brunch as well as pizza Sunday morning.

(if you want to view the Gold medal game at 4am, you must let me know ahead of time, please)

Monday, March 1st at 4am, the Gold medal game will be played live in Taiwan on Feebie’s big screen.

3 Carlsburg for $200nt
12" one topping traditional brick oven pizza and two tall boy beer for only $500nt

Carey and Sylvia

Feebie’s Traditional Brick Oven, Whole Wheat, thin crust pizza
155 Junghua Rd.
Taoyuan city,
886 (0)3 336 8887
(7 minute walk from the train station)