One big reason Americans are broke and overweight

It’s way more fun to make everything yourself, but in a commercial setting it’s working hard and long hours.
But there is a big industry out there doing it all for you, huge investments, R&D.

Most breads are high gluten, over conditioned to be not chewy and last longer. A French baguette is stale after half a day, so you need to buy another one in the afternoon. But recently even the baguette got ‘industrialized’.

True, but you’d want some curry on top, wouldn’t you? :slight_smile:

Chorleywood process. One of Britain’s more dubious contributions to Civilisation.

Fun fact: Margaret Thatcher worked as a food scientist at Lyons, inventing Exceedingly Good cakes and whatnot. Not sure if that has any bearing on the UK’s exceedingly bad diet these days.


I think that goes without saying.

awww, so y’all saying this ain’t healthy?


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Wow, talk about white trash!


Probably an urban myth, but fun nonetheless. She wasn’t there long enough to invent anything.

Yeah, I’m sure she was just doing mundane stuff. But it’s funny to imagine Thatcher producing new forms of shit food.


I’ve never gone out of my way to buy bread. It’s just calories and carbs without much other nutrition. I’ll eat good bread if it’s provided but I just don’t make a habit of it.


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Colonic irrigation? Detox? It’s been proven to be total crap.

That means a hose op your butt? Irrigation.

Well , a Transgender ho maybe…ohh Hose That was a tongue in cheek remark…argghh digging myself deeper argggh

I went to a pizza buffet here in Taichung last week, won’t go again.

They force you to take all the additions, no choice, such as the salad, garlic bread, French Fries, etc so that you fill up and then they didn’t allow me to order the pizza I want, they will bring a random one around and you tell them if you want it. After a few slices they stopped coming around randomly and I had to wait . Thus running out the 2 hour timer that they made me acutely aware of.

I prefer the Korean BBQ/ hotpot places because I just order everything on the first go and half way through I ask for a refill so slow or not, it arrives as I finish the first order.

Embarrassingly enough I did this back home many years ago . Yes it is as every bit unpleasant as it sounds

The end result was bad, it makes your bowels lazy and after I was bound up for weeks, didn’t go number 2 for over a month. Why should the bowels do their job when a water hose is doing it for them.
When people told me I was full of shit I could agree finally.

Name and shame

A lot of Taiwanese all you can eat places are like this. Especially if you find they to promote their cheapness.

that’s not really a taiwanese thing, pretty sure taiwanese just copied that model. that’s pretty much how it works in about every all you can eat (pizza) place around the world. how else would they make money? only thing i have to complain about, why do they always offer such weird toppings…90% are happy with cheese,ham,mushroom,pepperoni. why add the weird/foul toppings such as bad seafood,corn,etc.

apart from that, let’s get back to topic. i may have missed some posts but why hasn’t anyone mentioned the complete lack of physical activity by a large part of the us population? being conscious about a healthy diet, that’s great. but in the end, it’s all about how much energy you spend vs how much you consume.

u.s average portions are too much, that’s already been established. if you’re an athletic training everyday, you’ll probably be fine but most u.s people go from place to place by car not even reaching 5k steps daily. no wonder.

btw does anyone know if nyc people are less obese than the u.s average? i’m curious because i have the hypothesis that cities with a well running public transportation have a less percentage of obesity

Works for Japan anyway, all that walking and standing on public transport and the small portions.

i’d say just the right portion

Yup. Think of it as a super-enema.