One-third of GenZ into astrology, psychics, and mediums

Meet GenZ: don’t like organized religion, not atheist either, don’t like science, eat Tide Pods, into voodoo

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Idk if I’m getting old but Gen Z is super cringe for me.


Even as a scientist, I wouldn’t dismiss outright that there may be some power to this stuff. That said, there is power in narcotics too but they are still not good for you.

One may get some short term comfort speaking with a dead “grandma” but one doesn’t really know with what one is speaking with, what its intentions are and what price one pays or will need to pay to speak with it.

Back in my day we blasted heavy metal while worshipping black light posters. Seems the younger crowd here uses crystals and stones.

No, it’s pretty bad. I couldn’t finish the medium’s part.

I did both in the 80s. Lucid dreaming too!

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Lucid dreaming is quite the ride. Had a vision and conversation with God during a sleep. Life changing.

Yeah, I’d agree with that. The only thing that’s ever come close to a lucid dream was when I had the sweats during a bout of Lyme disease and hallucinated for six hours straight. THAT was life changing.

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High fever involved?

104F when I stopped taking it. I sweated off 17 pounds in a weekend.

But I still didn’t catch religion. Just Carl Jung.

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The loss of weight I would welcome, but the lyme’s disease not so much. Better to sit in a sweat lodge, as long as the guy in this article ins not around:

Had a land lady who did her post doc in Jungian psych. Interesting, to say the least.

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Yeah, the practices they’re into are sketch.

What stuff? Astrology, or Tide Pods?

Hearing the word cringe as a response always made me cringe.

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