Online tax filing 2024

Here we are for my whole weekend doing a thirty minute job.

First problem… when i try to upload my wife’s earnings, it says that her id number doesnt match the insurance card in the reader.

It uploads mine fine. This is the same card we used to successfully file last year.

Why is life so hard?

I think you’re 20 years late.

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Plenty of tips in the active “and beyond” thread.


I gave up filing online years ago, totally a waste of time.

Best thing to do is on May 1st, go to your local tax office and do it in person, takes 15 minutes. Foreigners go to a separate desk, and where I live there is almost never a queue for it.

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I file with the MIL and FIL. The problem is some years, they can help me get a bigger rebate. Others, they have tax to pay. And they have no idea what kind of year it will be so i would rather look at it beforehand and decide whether to file them seperately.

You can just ask at the tax office what the amount will be with different people added or not added and decide on the spot

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did anyone get their direct deposit yet today?
I’m supposed to get my refund today and it hasn’t arrived yet.
Maybe I’m too spoiled by having my work salary arrive promptly at midnight, but I’m a little worried that I got the bank number wrong or something, because it’s noon, and I do not have the moola.

I got just last week a request to submit supplementary documents (just a statement from my employer of the salary paid), so I think they are a bit behind schedule this year.

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This your first paycheck?

not my first work paycheck, but yes my first tax refund from the government.