Ontario passes legislation to make daylight time permanent

Daylight time is permanent(soon)! Yes! No more time switching.


The article says that this change is contingent on Quebec and New York State also doing the same thing.

Remind me: when was the last time Ontario, Quebec, and New York State did the same thing? :grin:



We are nice, we still have our metric conversion signs at the border to help our American friends.

So…never. But I want it to happen so bad.

Probably at some point during an invasion?

I’m all for it! If they drag NYS into it, I’ll be happy.

I don’t think the Americans want another invasion from Canada.

The last time there was a war in that part of the world, it was the US trying to take over Canada.

If I remember this history correctly, the British responded by burning down Washington DC.

I hope the daylight savings debate does not come to that! :upside_down_face:


We would prefer not to have one. The wastelands are not quite so trackless anymore :slight_smile: On the other hand, the Plains of Abraham could be easier for us to deal with this time!

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