‘Ooof you’re saying that online…’

Yes, I know I frequently say stupid things here, but this is still an incredibly annoying pop-up message. Aside from the fact it’s broken and appears for no reason even if I’m adding an innocuous edit, it’s just generally condescending and I doubt it’s ever stopped anyone from posting what they were going to post. We’re adults. We know what we’re posting.


How do I get one?

This is a warning message?

Yeah, someone’s added an AI that detects unacceptable opinions. It is pretty annoying. Although it hasn’t happened to me for a while.


Probably just a profanity checker? Natural language processing AI is eons away from being able to derive meaning reliably. Although I suppose they could have wired up some stupid thing which doesn’t work. It’s done all the time, e.g chatbots.

It happened to me many times, when I edit stuff it randomly does that.

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Never saw dat.

I guess it doesn’t like myself and Drew.

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Maybe mods have tagged us as troublemakers :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Fuck me.

Nope, nothing.


Just which response are you wishing for?


Is it? There are a lot of bots on Reddit and they seem to be getting pretty good at reading opposing arguments and replying like a human.
Unless it’s just a troll farm but I still suspect bots because a consensus on one subreddit can flip flop suddenly.

These bots are really good at pretending they understand. But ultimately they just do glorified pattern matching, rather than building some knowledge graph. There are plenty of attempts going on, to build a knowledge graph and some semblance of understanding I mean, but the flexibility of most (all?) languages make it a very difficult undertaking.

Don’t believe me though, search Noam Chomsky’s views on these natural language models, he has a much more learned criticism of how fake and hopeless they all currently are.

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I’ll take a look, thanks for the reference. I guess it will get really scary for disinformation when they finally figure out the pattern then

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This goes back to this

It’s just the pop-up that once boringly said “Draft being edited in another window”. I guess we may have to go back to it though.


Yes, please. The new one is a bit annoying.


What would be more helpful? I didn’t find the original message very meaningful because when it came up with me, I simply ignored it and there didn’t seem to be any problem ignoring it. In other words, I think it’s a bug in the system (which isn’t very reassuring for me).

How about: “It seems you opened another draft of your post in a different editing window, but if you did not, then you can safely ignore this error message”?

In the meantime, we can be more deliberate about looking on meta.discourse.org to see if there is a solution to this pointless(?) error


Sometimes it has a point. I haven’t noticed the bug from the last thread happening lately, but maybe others have. That new message is definitely more descriptive

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My jokes are NEVER annoying :rofl::face_with_monocle::rofl:


“bork me! we need an update, please be patient with this free service”
