Opportunities for a Vietnamese national in Taiwan

If she prefers her own business, this site she may need to check.


And this thread may be some help.

She should try for an education in Taiwan I think. Either she can do a university degree or Chinese language study in a good university. Or both. As mentioned it may be possible to get a scholarship. Also foreign spouses can get free chinese classes but I don’t know about your case.

My honest opinion is to make things work in either in the UK or Vietnam. It’s hard being a foreigner, especially at the beginning, and one of the two will end up doing all the work (dealing with all the hassles) related to being a foreigner for both of you. I lived in Korea with my Taiwanese wife. She was a student there. We then lived in the US (my home country) and now we’re in Taiwan. I would not recommend a third country for an unmarried couple. Maybe as a married couple and with a company sending one of the two there which would take care of all the paperwork of being foreign nationals.

Edit: My wife and I lived in Korea when we were still boyfriend and girlfriend. Don’t recommend this kind of scenario.

I agree but in the case of Taiwan it seems that living here should be relatively easy for Vietnamese (similar climate and culture), cheap flights back, and she can learn Chinese which is very useful.
Living in Vietnam is not a bad option either.

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