Orchid Island and Taipower's Nuclear Waste

Thanks for the links, @biobio.

The map ( https://goo.gl/maps/kXwykf12BKT2 ) says there’s a port there called Longmen Port (龍門港). There’s mention of Longmen Port on Michael Turton’s blog:

The Michael Turton post above links to this Facebook post:

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I’m making one last attempt to post the “non-mobile” (is that the right word? :slight_smile:) version of the Facebook video:

This United Daily News article contains some pictures apparently related to the event(s) in question:


Liberty Times:

I’m not a hundred percent sure, but the TiTV (Taiwan Indigenous Television) news video linked below appears to be about the event Michael Turton refers to:

Here’s a little information on TiTV:

I don’t know what language the TiTV news report is in, but my guess is that it is an aborginal language. The quote below is from the website Cultural Survival:

–“Taiwan Indigenous Television Approaches 10 Year Anniversary,” October 8, 2014

Edited to add:

Is this the ship in the video?

