Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data

Or we become good at justifying our actions regardless.

But I think the forest has been hidden by the trees.

Justifications are what are killing us today. And throughout history. So, thats a crappy justification for justifying this.

Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night

Share the cotton candyā€¦,

Maybe its time we, as a species, just cut the sh*t and say what we mean and discuss respectfully if someone gets butthurt. I mean offended. We can save precious time and move onto real issues :slight_smile:

But then we get canceled. :upside_down_face:

Or at least sent on short vacationsā€¦

Well, ya. if you live in china. In taiwan we dont call jail a vacation thoughā€¦and we dont get cancelled for a normal discussion like in north america. Best if both worlds. Long live Lola.

Pandora Shamdoraā€¦
The big guys wonā€™t be touched. There going to go after the little guys and the accidental Americans.

Yeah, but Lola killed herself.
Thereā€™s a price to pay for everything.

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Now weā€™re on the same page :slight_smile:

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What does Joe know? Probably more than most, Iā€™d wager.

For more than a decade, the U.S. has pressed the rest of the world to crack down on the financial secrecy that has aided tax evasion and international crime. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, adopted in 2010, requires other countries to report the accounts of U.S. taxpayers or be excluded from the U.S. financial system. Governments complied, despite the costs imposed on their financial institutions (and on U.S. taxpayers living abroad). Indeed, they went further: More than 100 countries signed on to the Common Reporting Standard, which exchanges more information than FATCA demands.


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